Kofa’s 2023 in Review-A Year of Preparation, A Future of Impact.

3 min readDec 31, 2023


Dear Customer,

As 2023 draws to a close, we at Kofa reflect on a year of learning and preparation, setting the stage for the exciting product launches planned for Q1 2024. This year’s journey has been integral to future developments

Number of hours businesses have been powered by Kofa

Building Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow

Since the start of 2023, when we started deploying bikes, we have kept an eye to learning what we can from how you used our network and focused on developing products that are not only innovative but also resonate with your needs. This preparatory phase has been about crafting solutions that will contribute to rapid and sustainable scale in 2024 — and we’re excited to show you want we have coming up next.

Estimated number of kilograms of Carbon dioxide Kofa has prevented from being emitted through battery usage

Statistics from 2023:

  • Total Batteries Swapped: 27288 batteries have been swapped over the 8 swap stations built over the year.
  • Estimated Year-To-Date CO2 emissions prevented: 38 Tonnes, a step towards reducing our carbon footprint.
  • Petrol Displacement: We displaced about 25000 litres of petrol. Equivalent to over 2,000 full tanks of petrol, and made a dent in our mission to power productivity cleanly.
  • Business Hours Powered: 45,429 hours, supporting both mobility needs and the operations of micro and small businesses. That’s 5 years worth of power provided.
  • Travelled Distance: Our solutions facilitated 577,073 kilometers of travel, enough to go along the whole continental African coastline (30,500km long) almost 20 times!
  • Team Growth: Our team expanded from 11 to 19 individuals, bringing diverse skills and renewed energy to our mission.

Looking into 2024

Of course any recap of this year would not be complete without the mention of the partnership we signed with TAILG. TAILG group, one of the largest light electric vehicle manufacturers globally, entered into partnership with Kofa to design, produce and distribute vehicles powered by Kofa batteries.

This year we focussed and built out a lot of foundational software for our network — giving us deeper control and insights. This will allow us to provide you with safe and delightful experiences using our products. We completed the whole build out of the Jidi — our first project with TAILG and built out a whole new system alongside it that we are excited to launch next year

We have received feedback from you on our rider and fleet manager apps that we built and are glad that these have enabled you to plan and optimise your routes and businesses.

All these have helped us build a solid foundation that can support the plans we have for 2024.

Total number of kilometres of travel powered by Kofa

Reflecting with Gratitude, Looking Forward with Hope

As we stand on the cusp of 2024, we reflect on a year marked by foundation building and look forward to a year brimming with potential. Our journey thus far has been shaped by your support and our shared commitment to a greener future.

We invite you to join us as we step into an exciting new year. Together, let’s continue to drive towards a sustainable, efficient, and connected world.


The Kofa Team

#togetherWeAreElectric #WeAreKofa #GoGetIt




Electric Motorcycles & Portable Battery Network. Accra, Ghana. Together. We Are Electric.