Fear our most imaginative emotion

Mash BR
3 min readOct 29, 2015

I am so scared, I am so nervous, I can just imagine what will happen if.

Stop! Rewind! Start again!

I recently watched a Ted talk on fear, by novelist Karen Thompson Walker. Karen did two things with her talk.

1 She showcased how as humans we quite literally have nothing to fear but fear itself.


2. Every single person on earth has a creative spark. A spark that is capable of weaving the most convincing stories THEY’VE ever heard.

What do I mean by this? Think about any time you have been afraid to do something.

Think about the reasons that you hesitate or in a lot of cases don’t even take the first step.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but its YOU! Not fear, fear is nothing more then a word to describe a feeling.

It’s us, and our oh-so creative brains that create the body for which fear hangs its coat.

Depending on circumstance we create incredible narratives in our heads. Outlandish follies that manage to weave in every negative situation we’ve ever experienced.

We create the most convincing tales, so mind blowing that we agree on the spot! Giving in to the wisdom that is fear.

None of the situations that miraculously flood our thoughts are real. None of the most “convincing tales”, you’ve ever heard have taken place.

Fear creates stories so life like so hypnotic. That the thought of taking action becomes ludicrous.

Like I said nothing gets the imagination going like fear.

Here comes the but!

If we can accept that we create the fuel that keeps fear burning. That it’s just the secret creative in us, letting our imaginations of the leash.

Then the good news is that we are in control, we can change the narrative.

I believe that outlook is what shapes you and everything you do, so it’s a question of finding way to change it.

My experience with fear and believe me we go way back, is that you have to start small.

For me it’s always been small victories that drive me on to let go of the invisibility cloak called fear.

The more little things I over come, the more confident I become in the bigger decisions.

A personal example, I recently told an old friend how I felt about them. Shock horror I’m still here.

I had created such a mental block around the idea that the mere thought was enough for me to question my sanity.

It was a small victory for me and the resulting consequence is I feel a lot more confident in myself.

Set yourself small goals things that you have been nervous to try.

Start with small positive actions that if your honest wont affect your life that much if it doesn’t go your way. The reality is some things want and some will, but nothing will change until you try.

The sooner you start taking positive steps, the quicker you will shake off the dark side of your imagination and his partner in crime fear.

I’m new to Medium, I hear the green heart is my friend. Please do give it a little tap if you enjoyed this little tale of mine. Feel free to let me know your thoughts




Mash BR

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