Kid-Friendly Kitchen Design: 5 Clever Storage Solutions

We Are Papilio
3 min readJan 7, 2024

Modern kitchens are more than simply places to prepare meals; they are frequently the centre of the home, where families congregate and kids engage in a variety of activities. To keep the area tidy, secure, and suitable for family living, careful storage solutions are just as important when designing a kitchen that is as kid-friendly as it is beautiful. In this article, we will discuss five creative storage solutions for kid-friendly kitchen design.

Let’s read it out:

Low-Level Cabinets and Drawers

Adding low-level cabinets and drawers is one of the best methods to make your kitchen kid-friendly. Children can reach their plates, cutlery, and snacks thanks to these easily accessible storage areas, saving them from needing adult help. It lessens the chance of mishaps like clambering up chairs or stools to reach upper cupboards and encourages independence and responsibility.

Pull-Out Pantry Shelves

A child-friendly kitchen would greatly benefit from the inclusion of a pull-out pantry shelf. These shelves make it simple for youngsters to get snacks, cereals, and other regularly used things without having to clamber over cupboards or countertops. By installing movable shelves, you may make the storage area more suitable for a variety of item sizes and grow with your child.

Pull-out pantry shelves help kids learn about meal preparation and food selection, in addition to improving organisation. It is simpler for them to take part in meal planning and preparation under supervision since they can readily see what items are available.

Dedicated Kid’s Zone

Organising children’s toys and possessions in a kid-friendly area of the kitchen is a sensible approach. This space can include a low cabinet or drawer stocked with kid-friendly cutlery, glasses, and utensils. Additionally, you may set aside a section of your countertop or island where children can do age-appropriate kitchen tasks, such as shaping cookies or assembling sandwiches.

Installing a magnetic board or blackboard on the wall for creative play and sketching is a great idea for this kids’ area. Little cooking equipment, oven mitts, and children’s aprons can be hung from hooks or pegboards. Giving kids a designated area in the kitchen encourages them to participate actively in meal preparation and clean-up.

Colourful and Labelled Storage

Because they learn best by seeing, kids may stay more focused and organised in the kitchen by using colour-coded and labelled storage containers. To make it appealing to children, use vibrant, upbeat colours for labels, containers, and storage boxes. You may, for instance, set apart containers specifically for fruits, snacks, or lunchbox contents.

Adding labels or drawings to storage containers can help young children learn where things belong and encourage them to put things away neatly. This helps the whole family handle cleaning up more easily and teaches them important organisational skills.

Integrated Learning Stations

If you incorporate educational components into your storage solutions, you may transform your kitchen into a learning environment. Inside a cabinet door, think about installing a magnetic whiteboard or blackboard. While parents cook nearby, children may practice spelling words, math problems, or just doodle in this area.


A child-friendly kitchen must be carefully planned and designed with storage options that take into account the requirements and safety of little family members. Your kitchen can be made into a place where kids can actively participate and learn by adding features like pull-out pantry shelves, low-level cabinets, kid-specific zones, colourful and labelled storage, and integrated learning stations. This will help kids feel more independent and responsible, and it will also make mealtimes more fun for the whole family. If you are looking for a contemporary kitchen in Hampshire or a contemporary kitchen in Oxfordshire, you need to research well before hiring one.



We Are Papilio

Papilio transform spaces by designing and crafting contemporary bespoke kitchen designs tailored to deliver excellence all round.