Meet the new Pointers!

2 min readSep 9, 2019


Bootcamping our Evolutionary Architects

Some may think of September as the start of the new school year. That’s only partly right.
For us, September also marks the start of the careers of the next group of Evolutionary Architects as they join our Bootcamp for Juniors.

Last week, more than twelve (!) juniors received a warm welcome. Of course, we set them up with all the right gear necessary to kickstart their professional IT Consultancy life in style and comfort, as you’ll see in the video below!

Bootcamp for juniors, 2019

The Coming Weeks

During the coming weeks, our latest group of promising Software Architects will be sweating in the Bootcamp for juniors. As some things are not taught (yet) in school, we’re humbly filling in this void.

With the subjects of our bootcamp mostly centered around Frameworks, Java, Frontend, Testing, … we have a thing or two to share with our juniors. Our mission is to give them an edge as a software consultant. Getting them acquainted with the basics will help them blend in with the rest of the Pointers. Mob programming, Test-driven development, twelve factor app principles, … are just a few of the concepts we’d like to teach them.

Bootcamp for juniors at ToThePoint resulted in positive feedback after day one!
Positive feedback after day 1 of the bootcamp!

Corporate Social Responsibility

Every starter at ToThePoint receives a generous grant of 500 EUR to spend freely on a charity of their choosing. ToThePoint is allocating this resource for none other than our conviction that even the slightest impulse can have a massive impact on the sustainability and prosperity of our society. We’re sure that the youngest members of the ToThePoint squad have a keen eye on which charities deserve a push in the right direction.

With the first project already delivering results, we’re extremely curious on what these youngsters have in mind.
If you are equally curious — be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you won’t miss out when dreams become reality.

Grab A Coffee

We’re constantly on the lookout for skilled software developers looking to take their careers to the next level.
If you want to meet some of us for a (free) coffee at a date and location that suits you best, make sure to check out

Come Grab A Coffee!

Originally published at




Coaching and consultancy in software development • Praised because of its open culture, broad knowledge and warm-hearted coffee addicts.