Dave & You

Price comparison websites offering car insurance policies are rife with errors, says an investigation by Which?

The BBC, today reports that Price comparison sites ‘rife with errors’ (https://www.bbc.com/news/business-45261261)

Millions of consumers “are not getting a clear picture from the websites they visit”, said the consumer body after examining four of the biggest sites.

For six out of 10 policies, at least one detail in the price comparison was different from the description in policy documents, Which? said.

Time for change!

To Dave, it is hardly surprising that the comparison sites are making errors when offering car insurance (or any other products). When signing up to the service we are asked to enter an enormous amount of information — a good proportion of which is irrelevant to the provision of the product.

At the other end the Insurance Companies upload their policy parameters and the comparison site connects the two. However, it can take a long time for an insurer to get their information through the process. If they need to make a change it can take much longer. In the fast moving world of insurance this is simply not acceptable and there is too much opportunity for error on both sides. What if your insurer has altered their offering but the change is still waiting to be uploaded?

Maybe there is a better way?

Let Dave help you to build your profile, scan existing documents, talk to Dave or simply key in your information. Once your profile is built and validated Dave will help you to find the products you are looking for, he will compare offerings and highlight the differences — essentially, helping you to make an informed choice. And the best bit? You get a share of the commission that Dave gets for the sale.

Dave will make it easy and secure for You to manage Your Data

It works the same for the insurers too. They can upload their offering, talk to Dave or simply key in the information. Using Ai learning Dave will check that the offering matches the certificate and terms and they are good to go. This works in real time, there are no lengthy bottlenecks. Once the insurer is happy with the offering, they simply have to activate it. It then gets taken out of the test environment and will appear as live on the system for customers to find.

Dave & You powered by YourBlock is the worlds’ first Ai enabled product, service and budget management tool. Designed to promote honesty, integrity and accuracy. Clean data creates clean business.

Visit YourBlock https://yourblock.io — Giving power back to the consumer.

