Diving watches by Time Locker

Time Locker Weekly Update — 13th August-19th August 2018

Time Locker
2 min readAug 13, 2018


Time Locker is a French micro brand created for the gentleman adventurer. Our first three watches are inspired by a legendary diving watch worn by the French combat divers (Marine Nationale) during the 50's.

To help us transform this project into reality, we will launch our automatic dive watches thanks to a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign.

We are publishing here our behind-the-scenes, to give you a sneak peek at our work.

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook to see our latest watch pictures. Don’t forget to subscribe to our mailing list to never miss an update.

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are great tools for brands such as Time Locker. They allow us to help raise awareness for our Kickstarter project… It also gives the opportunity to watch enthusiasts to reach out to us and give us direct and honest feedback about our first collection of dive watches.

I have noticed that people often asked us about the technical aspects of our watches such as its size or movement. Previously, on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, when people wanted to sign up for our mailing list, there wasn’t so much information about our Kickstarter and watches on the opt-in form. To solve this issue, I decided to improve the landing page based on the questions asked by our followers.

Our new landing page includes technical specifications about our watches and mission.

A technical drawing showcased on our latest landing page

This week, we had back and forth discussion with our packaging manufacturer. I want to keep the packaging materials at its highest efficiency. I also wish to adopt the same approach for the size of the packaging. This has a cost. If we want to have a customized packaging, we need to invest in the tools to create new packaging. I prefer to work with an existing packaging design and invest in the tools to create a quality watch.

Thanks for reading this week’s recap. If you are interested in seeing more about Time Locker, you can follow and like us on our different social media platforms. You can also subscribe here to know exactly when we will launch our watches on Kickstarter.



Instagram: @weartimelocker
Facebook: @weartimelocker
Twitter: @weartimelocker
Website: www.weartimelocker.com



Time Locker

Vintage-inspired dive watches worn by combat divers in the 50s. We are launching our new designs in 2020 on Kickstarter 🚀 www.weartimelocker.com