A day in the life of a Men’s Rights Activist

7 min readMar 3, 2016


[The following is a transcript of a file I found in a computer that was retrieved from a swamp before being dried out under a patio heater in the smoking area of a local bar….]

People often say to me “Mark, how can I- a humble beta male- have the same success as you do with the ladies as you’ve definitely slept with probably a thousand of them, or almost certainly more than that actually.”

I usually laugh and reply “My name’s Steve actually” but because I’m the kind of guy that wants all of my fellow men (white) to achieve meaningless sex with random strangers, I will publish this day out of my diary so you can see how I live my life as a vigilant anti-femino-neo-masculo-post-pc-mens-rights-activist.

I am beyond pick up artist, I am beyond pick up truck. I am a pick up architect.

6.38am. Up with the crows (note: Kevin- check if that is a saying), being among the worlds most masculine of men requires an early start and a hearty breakfast. I peel my face off of the keyboard (having fallen asleep at the computer during a heated twitter row with some cucks), the loose “k” button comes off and needs to be pried from it’s indent in my right cheek- a small price to pay for smiting the SJW’s! I slither into bed and send my mum a text.

6.50am. Do a quick twitter search on a news story where a poor man has been driven to beat his girlfriend. Feminazi’s are already all over it so I spend some time messaging them to explain why it’s the woman’s and society’s fault. It’s like nobody even THINKS of a man’s feelings and this is what makes me so angry.

7.00am. Send my mum a text asking if she received my text.

7.10am. Still in bed, received a harrowing reply on twitter from some bitch telling me to “fuck off and die”. All I said was that she was so ugly she should be grateful of sexual assault but she took it too far. I do not deserve to feel threatened and I shall notify the police- for too long women have been abusing nice guys like me and it shall not go unpunished.

10.07am. I think I fell asleep. Somehow the “k” button worked it’s way back to my face. No text from mum.

10.15am. This is beyond a joke now, I’m going to have to get up and see where mum is and why she hasn’t brought me breakfast. I put Louise (a blow up sex doll I was totally given as a joke present for banter once) in my bed so mum freaks out when she changes my sheets and head out of my bedroom.

10.20am. Mum is being a dick. Tells me she’s not my slave and she hoped she’d seen the back of me when I married Louise (the real one, feminazi bitch who divorced me for being a “man child”). I take my cheerios and come to enjoy them with Louise (fake). I can still hear her shouting about 39 year old men living with their parents- don’t know what she’s talking about, I’m 38.

10.25am. Cheerios finished and I get back in bed. Louise (fake) is the only honest woman I ever met- and I only have her here for the bantz! Imagine mum’s face if she came in now, she’d probably think Louise was a real woman under there… she’d say “Steve, not yet another notch on your bedpost!” or something, I imagine.

10.27am. Take Louise (fake) into the bathroom to wash her.

10.45am. Mum has put the He-Man bedspread on again. My game is so strong I have managed to bed probably a hundred women on the He-Man bedspread or probably more than a hundred. I take to writing one of my best selling E-books on how to pick up women. Some SJW cuck feminazi types claimed that my books are nonsensical ramblings about women controlling the world with boasts of fake conquests spread through them, to this I say that the critics are jealous that they aren’t as manly as me and their wives, mothers, sisters and girlfriends would all drop their knickers for an alpha like me while they watched and cried, and this has definitely happened more than once or like 500 times.

12.35pm. Go downstairs for lunch. Mum is being a bitch again and tells me to fuck off and get a job. Typical woman. I go out for lunch- not because my mum told me to but because I want to practice my game.

1.05pm. I arrive at the restaurant but after pretending to look at the prices on the menu I leave due to the lack of women.

1.15pm. Same story different restaurant.

1.25pm. Arrive at McDonald’s. Lots of targets, turning my game on.

2.15pm. I was definitely in with one of those girls (Kevin, please remember to make up details before submission this time or I will look like a fucking idiot) but I realised she was tricking me so she could accuse me of rape. I’m adept to spotting this. Not today, women!

3.05pm. Arrive home, some cucks posted my address on twitter again. Informed police.

3.15pm. Mum hands me a letter that arrived earlier- an SJW has written me a letter to my actual home. This is where my mum lives, and is not cool. Informed police.

3.30pm. Heading out to the anti-matriarchy rally with the other alpha’s, today we target a local college as it empties bewildered future alpha males into the streets. Myself and Kevin (19 years old, strong game) meet up prior to mentally prepare ourselves for the abuse and offers of sex we are about to receive from young impressionable college ladies. I have a ton of leaflets highlighting the plight of young males and Kevin has a placard with “Deconstruct the feminazi matriarchy: Men’s rights now. And Legalise da ‘erb” written on it. We had a slight disagreement over the wording, and also his persistence in crowbarring “Legalise weed” into everything he does but I relented as he is a good lad (though his faux-Jamaican patois could be an issue.)

3.50pm. Kevin and I appear to be the first people here despite our campaign online. In all honesty the people watching us set up don’t seem too happy.

4.05pm. I do not understand beta men, happy to be squashed under the heel of the matriarchy forever. I have had to inform the police of peoples reactions to us. I expect a bit of friendly abuse from cucks, fems and beta’s but I had one of my own leaflets thrown at me- I could have been blinded! To make matters worse, as I was being called an “inconsiderate prick” for calling some lying bitch out about sexual assault Kevin went up to the first black person he saw and tried to score weed in his Jamaican accent. People were incorrectly labelling me as a racist and I felt very threatened and had to leave. This is just what the matriarchy wants.

4.15pm (Kevin, please try to think of something cool to put as my evenings activity. Sure I pwned some fems on the internet but we really need to make things sound more masculine. Will fill the next few hours in when we rendezvous. I am relying on your ideas, if you can turn this around I will remove the references to your accent)

11.05pm. Fall asleep at my keyboard, new book nearly finished!

(Maybe try to expand on the rally? Make it last longer?, Like

4.05pm. I do not understand beta men, happy to be squashed under the heel of the matriarchy forever. I have had to inform the police of peoples reactions to us. I expect a bit of friendly abuse from cucks, fems and beta’s but I had one of my own leaflets thrown at me- I could have been blinded! To make matters worse, as I was being called an “inconsiderate prick” for calling some lying bitch out about sexual assault Kevin went up to the first black person he saw and tried to score weed in his Jamaican accent. People were incorrectly labelling me as a racist and I felt very threatened. I turned it around though, singled out the best looking feminazi there (I know, right?!) and turned my charm up to max. I knew she would not fall for it but her slightly less attractive yet still smoking hot friend was obviously jealous and started trying it on with me- I let her think she had won when she was my game all along. Kevin smacked the black guy to the ground and no less than five women were so impressed that they took him home with them. Several men were so swayed with my statistics that they threw the shackles away there and then and started having the best sex of their pathetic lives right there and then with all the girls who were impressed by their masculinity that was suddenly before them right there and then. I made love for at least 3 hours, right there and then, after securing a signed agreement first.

That should fill some space, not really sure. Somehow that K button is stuck on my face again.

Final note: Kev, finish this tomorrow, we need to embellish and elaborate before sending to magazines so please let me see it before you start mailing it willy nilly to any publication you can find an address of.)




I am neither good nor funny, but I might look like I think that I am