5 Online businesses that make money using AI

We automate AI
4 min readMay 9, 2024

Understanding AI: a short Overview

Artificial Intelligence (AI) involves creating systems that mimic human intelligence.

It’s revolutionizing industries like healthcare and finance, and businesses are using it to automate content creation, blog creation, video editing, and more.

Let’s dive deeper into how you can earn with these business ideas


1. SEO writer:

  • How AI Helps: Seowriting.ai can significantly aid SEO writers by generating well-structured and keyword-rich content that aligns with search engine algorithms. It assists in identifying relevant keywords, analyzing search intent, and crafting compelling meta descriptions and title tags.
  • Automation: By utilizing Seowriting.ai, writers can automate the process of content creation for SEO purposes, allowing them to efficiently produce a large volume of optimized content. This automation not only saves time but also ensures consistency and quality across articles and blog posts.

If you're looking to venture into SEO writing as a business model, you can start by leveraging Seowriting.ai to streamline your content creation process.

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2. Copywriting:

  • How AI Helps: ChatGPT and Seowriting.ai served as a valuable resource for copywriters, offering suggestions for persuasive headlines, compelling ad copy, and engaging marketing messages. It analyzes consumer behavior data to tailor the language and tone of the copy to resonate with the target audience.
  • Automation: Through the use of these two tools, copywriters can automate the generation of copy for various marketing materials, including advertisements, product descriptions, email newsletters, and landing pages. This automation streamlines the copywriting process, allowing professionals to focus on strategy and creative direction.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in copywriting, integrating this tools might help you give the boost you need:

Try AI Tools for FREE!


3. Blog Post Generation:

  • How AI Helps: Seowriting.ai simplifies the process of blog post creation by generating outlines, conducting research, and drafting content in a coherent and informative manner. It adapts to various writing styles and topics, ensuring that the produced content aligns with the brand’s voice and audience preferences.
  • Automation: Blog post generation can be automated using Seowriting.ai, allowing writers to produce a high volume of quality blog posts in a fraction of the time. This automation enables content creators to meet deadlines, maintain consistency, and scale their content marketing efforts.

If you’re considering starting a blog or content creation business, incorporating this AI into your toolkit can expedite the content creation process and enhance your publishing frequency.

Try AI Tools for FREE!

4. Social Media Post Creation:

  • How AI Helps: ChatGPT assists social media managers in generating creative ideas, crafting catchy captions, and composing engaging content that resonates with their audience. It analyzes social media trends and user behavior to optimize post content for maximum reach and engagement.
  • Automation: By leveraging ChatGPT, social media managers can automate the process of creating and scheduling posts across various platforms. This automation allows businesses to maintain an active presence on social media, build brand awareness, and drive user engagement.

If you’re interested in pursuing social media management as a business venture.

Try AI Tools for FREE!

5. YouTube Automation:

  • How AI Helps: Using AI tools on Youtube can assist content creators in brainstorming video ideas by analyzing trending topics, audience preferences, and keyword research. It can generate a variety of video concepts tailored to the channel’s niche and target audience.
  • Automation: By leveraging ChatGPT, social media managers can automate the process of creating and scheduling posts. This automation allows businesses to maintain an active presence on social media, build brand awareness, and drive user engagement.

If you’re interested in starting a Youtube automation business, this tools will help you from script writing, video editing, idea generation, and post scheduling.

  • ChatGPTScript writing
  • Invideo.aiFor video editing and idea creator
  • Fliki.aiAlso for video editing and idea creator
  • Vidiq.com Youtbe manager, SEO researcher, idea curator

Try AI Tools for FREE!

Thank you for reading :)



We automate AI

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