Why ‘Scary Dog Privilege’ is Bullshit.

Kati Weaver
3 min readJun 29, 2022

Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault

Author’s ‘Scary Dog’

I brought my dog in from a walk and passed a food delivery driver on my way to my hotel room.

He exclaimed, “Wow! What a big dog you have!” And in the next breath, “Scary. But at least he’ll protect a pretty girl like you.”

I chirped out “yup!” While opening the door to my room, my goofy dog licked his chops at whatever was inside this man’s delivery bag.

I started bringing my 80-pound Doberman with me on my travels for exactly that reason. I wanted to take more walks, see more of the city I was in, and feel safe while exploring. He just loves peeing in all the new states we pass by.

I get nice comments here and there — he is a really pretty boy — and I always respond graciously. I always let dog lovers show him some love. He deserves the attention.

But for the most part, people do tend to steer clear of the girl with the big dog.

Maybe it’s because they already have some trauma associated with dogs.
Maybe it’s because he is what society deems an “aggressive breed.”
Maybe I look unapproachable at that moment.
Who knows. It’s not my place to judge.



Kati Weaver

Nomadic Copywriter + Business Strategist + Retreat Host 💫 I write about leadership, travel, personal development, and other things I get excited about.