Collection of over 5,000 Technology Books Recommendations from Reddit

WebDev Badger
2 min readAug 5, 2019


Reddit is an awesome place to find technology book gems. One of the reasons is because people recommend books through their natural community conversations without advertisement mindset. But have you ever felt Reddit is too massive to find the exact book you are looking for?

That is why we thought it will be great to create a trending book ranking website driven by Reddit’s technology!

Well, what is considered as a trending book? We use the following aspects to measure the quality of trend;

  • Trending books are mentioned by many posts.
  • Trending books are mentioned by higher up-votes posts.
  • Trending books are mentioned by latest posts.

Check out TopTrendBooks to find over 5,000 trending technology books.

Top Six Technology Books

As laid out below, our system statistics show the current top six technology books.

A brief look of chart shows collection of great books. As a C# engineer, Clean Code is a fundamental guidance. Introduction to Algorithms is used by many universities as class text book, and Cracking the Coding Interview is a must read when applying to the Big Four Tech companies.

Sub-Reddit Tag Feature

One of the key features we like the most is the sub-Reddit tag pages. Books that are recommended by multiple sub-Reddit will have multiple tags.

By clicking the tag, you will find all books associated to that tag. We were able to discover so many unexpected but related books using this feature. We could not stop jumping around from tag to tag out of curiosity of similar topics.

Keyword Search Engine

Our search engine is also quite powerful. For each saerch,backend engine scans through over 15,000 books to find what you are looking for. Entered keyword will be matched with each books’ title, author, description and associated sub-reddit tags.

Technology Tools


Visit the TopTrendBooks and discover awesome technology books you might have not heard of. If you have any suggestions feel free to share in our feedback page.
Books Trending @ Reddit

