Web3alert integrates Basilisk!

3 min readSep 21, 2022


Web3alert.io, the pioneer blockchain notification service is happy to greet new members in our “be notified” club — Basilisk Network!

Basilisk is a liquidity protocol for the Kusama ecosystem and a “canary” network for HydraDX. Together, Basilisk and HydraDX create a synergy which caters to the varying liquidity needs of crypto assets throughout their entire lifecycle.

Recently Basilisk network secured its second Kusama parachain slot and enabled several crucial functions: BSX token transfers were unlocked and DEX, named Snek Swap, was launched. In the near future Basilisk will extend its functionality to the NFT Marketplace in collaboration with KodaDot.

The integration of Basilisk to Web3alert service platform allows Basilisk users, developers and followers to subscribe to different types of notifications and receive them in the messengers of their choice. Any event or call on the Basilisk blockchain can be tracked with Web3 Alert! HydraDX will be added a bit later and we will be happy to announce it additionally!


That’s how a dashboard looks like, where a user can find all his/her subscriptions, edit or delete them, turn on/of rarely-used subscriptions.

As usual we offer our users Simple mode, that includes pre-made sets of alerts. There is no need to be an advanced Substrate user to set-up and then receive notifications about Transfers or Democracy and Treasury events.

Simple mode
Transfer alert

In contrast, the Advanced mode allows experienced users to create subscriptions to any event or call which can be useful for specific tasks and situations. All the modules, events, calls and filters: no matter what you need it is there! It can be a significant feature for the networks’ developers, as soon as receiving an instant notification about events can save time, reputation and money.

Advanced mode

With recently added Slack support Web3alert.io now offers 3 ways to receive alerts: Telegram, Discord and Slack.

You can already start to set up your first subscriptions, and if you’d have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Web3aler via:
Telegram chat: https://t.me/Web3alertChat




Notifications from blockchain to messengers. Free. Instant. Custom.