MYSO Awards — Tweets and Best Of

Denis | MYSO
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2022

Going through over 1000+ replies was a strenuous task, and so many members of the community had insightful and constructive comments about MYSO and the problems within the DeFi space that we aim to tackle.

As mentioned on our Twitter, we wanted to thank the community for your support and give out some prizes to those sharing their thoughts and excitement about MYSO.

🏆Prizes are awarded as follows:

🥇1x 0.1 PAXG: for reply with most likes — User @ayu_novita67, thanks for being excited about the project and spreading the word!

🥇1x 0.1 PAXG: We didn’t expect to see so many likes for a reply, so we decided to reward another community member for showing their support. Thanks @DeFi_z0r0!

🥈1x 0.1 PAXG: The most original reply came from @Dmitrij509 — spreading the MYSO message online and IRL too!

🥉1x 0.1 PAXG: raffled between 10 earliest contestants — crypto favors the early entrants, so congrats @sadfrog233!

We will be reaching out to all the winners by email over the next few days, so be on the lookout for that. Congrats!

The MYSO community shared their thoughts on the protocol and their experiences within DeFi and we wanted to highlight some key insights and great comments!

Cascading liquidation in tumultuous market conditions brings about a flurry of issues for DeFi lenders and borrowers. User @xnxAleksandr pointed this issue out, mentioning that FTM suffered a 30% dip due to mass on-chain liquidations.

MYSO’s IKARUS protocol is structured to be oracle-independent, and as @KirillFisun puts it, reliant on incentives and stabilization mechanics to sustain accurate pricing. This eliminates the risk of oracle-related exploits and malicious mispricing.

MYSO’s unique take on borrowing/lending in the DeFi space is structured to support borrower safety and provide increased rewards for LPs. Preventing liquidations on borrowed assets in a trustless space is a novel task that we are working towards! Thanks @PedroKido2 for the thoughtful words!

Minimizing risks with borrowing/lending and eliminating the need to constantly monitor LTV ratios and even worrying about chain downtime during periods of market turmoil stands at the heart of MYSO’s mission. @NftArtDesigner1, we are here to support you and be a solution for some of the core issues plaguing DeFi users!

MYSO wants to simplify the stresses of borrowing and lending in DeFi — @snjth1 thinks that it will even help him sleep better at night!

@0xTaiga, we see you 👀

