Navigating the Meme Coin Seas: Unveiling Tuna and the ‘Ma Babez Meme Fractal’ Thesis

3 min readApr 5, 2024

In the dynamic realm of cryptocurrency, where innovation intertwines with imagination, meme coins have emerged as a vibrant subculture. Among these, one phenomenon stands out: a thesis presented by Dan Simerman as the Ma Babez Meme Fractal, a collective of iconic assets shaping the narrative of the meme coin universe.

Recently, @dansimerman took to Twitter to illuminate the blue chips of the first true meme coin cycle on Solana, hinting at the potential of assets like $TUNA (Mother of Achi aka ‘dogwifhat’) @tunawifsmom, $WIF (Achi the real name of ‘dogwifhat’) @dogwifcoin, $BAG @wifbag, $CAN @canwifhat, $CHUCHU @chuchucommunity, $DUCHI (Duchi) @wifdrip, $ACHI @AchiToken among others to come.

Will have to come back here and update more as I discover them.

Thesis written by Dan Simerman about the Ma Babez Meme Fractal of memes related canonically to WIF or dogwifhat meme

But amidst this flurry of enthusiasm, let’s shine a spotlight on Tuna, the unsung hero mother of Achi aka ‘Dogwifhat’ within this meme coin universe.


@ma_babezz, the creative force behind the ‘Dogwifhat’ meme, has intricately woven Tuna into the fabric of the meme coin narrative. Through her captivating creations, Tuna emerges as a symbol of community, creativity, and cultural resonance, embodying the spirit of the meme coin movement.

Meanwhile, @bangdddd, the custodian of WIF Dog’s mother, has played a pivotal role in highlighting Tuna’s importance within the meme coin ecosystem. By acknowledging Tuna as Achi’s mother, @bangdddd has cemented Tuna’s place as a canonical blue chip meme, essential to the overarching narrative of the meme coin universe.

Indeed, Tuna represents the backbone of the ‘Meme Fractal,’ embodying the essence of motherhood in the narrative being the literal in real life mother of Achi the fun-loving Shiba inu dog behind the the famous viral ‘dogwifhat’ meme. With its roots firmly planted in the ‘Dogwifhat’ narrative.

As we celebrate the vibrancy of the meme coin universe, let us not forget the pivotal role that Tuna plays in shaping its trajectory. It is through the collaborative efforts of creators like @ma_babezz and custodians like @bangdddd that the meme coin ecosystem continues to flourish, fostering a sense of community, belonging, and shared purpose among enthusiasts worldwide.

In the words of @ dansimerman on “The blue chips of the first true meme coin cycle may come from the Ma Babez Meme Fractal.” This insight serves as a rallying cry for those embarking on their meme coin journey, urging them to embrace the spirit of collaboration, creativity, and community that defines the essence of this thesis on a ‘Meme Fractal.’

“The blue chips of the first true memecoin cycle may come from the Ma Babez Meme Fractal.” — @ dansimerman on

Disclaimer: Cryptocurrency investments carry inherent risks. Readers are advised to conduct thorough research and exercise caution when investing in meme coins or any other digital assets.

