Kevin O’Leary’s Revolutionary Approach

Surrendering to the SEC, One CEO at a Time

Omer Hina | Web3 Writer
3 min readJun 9, 2023

Renowned business guru Kevin O’Leary has put forth an ingenious solution to the ongoing SEC lawsuit against Coinbase. According to O’Leary, Coinbase urgently needs a new CEO who will boldly march into the SEC Chair’s office, kneel down, and proclaim, “You win.” Because who needs a backbone when you can simply bow down to regulatory pressure?

O’Leary, widely recognized for his expertise in making snappy TV remarks, didn’t stop there. He expressed his immense dissatisfaction with Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong, stating, “If he was working for me, I’d FIRE him!” Clearly, O’Leary’s talent for bold declarations knows no bounds. After all, who needs a CEO willing to fight for his company’s legitimacy and assert its innocence when you can have one that bends over backward to please the SEC?

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

In an astonishing display of consistency, O’Leary extended his criticism beyond Coinbase and turned his attention towards Binance as well. He seems to have developed a knack for targeting the most successful players in the cryptocurrency market. But hey, who needs thriving exchanges when you can have a good old-fashioned, regulator-friendly financial system?

In O’Leary’s alternate reality, the path to success lies in appeasing the regulatory overlords. Forget about innovation, competition, and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Instead, let’s all fall in line and become puppets in the SEC’s show. Nothing screams victory like surrendering your independence and handing over control of your business to bureaucrats.

Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

It’s truly remarkable to witness O’Leary’s groundbreaking strategy unfold. His master plan involves replacing CEOs with compliant figureheads, eagerly bowing before the SEC Chair as a sign of submission. In this utopian world, success is measured by the level of servitude demonstrated towards regulatory agencies. Who needs profits, growth, and customer satisfaction when you can have a CEO who excels at saying, “You win”?

While some skeptics argue for standing up against regulatory overreach and defending the principles of a free market, O’Leary’s visionary approach dismisses such trifles. Why challenge the status quo when you can surrender your integrity and dance to the tune of bureaucracy? It’s time for us all to embrace the brilliance of O’Leary’s philosophy: mediocrity and conformity are the new paths to prosperity.

Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

As we await the grand entrance of the new breed of “You win” CEOs, let’s not forget that this article is purely satirical. It serves as a reminder that blind submission to authority is not the path to success, and that true innovation and progress are born out of challenging the status quo.



Omer Hina | Web3 Writer

Making is simpler to understand and get into web3, DeFi, and crypto. Let's have fun one whimsical article at a time.