Tharman Shanmugaratnam’s Presidential Win in Singapore

Omer Hina | Web3 Writer
3 min readSep 4, 2023


The Crypto Community Watches Closely”


Singapore has always been a global financial hub, a city-state that thrives on innovation and economic prowess.

In a surprising turn of events, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, a well-known critic of cryptocurrencies, has emerged victorious in Singapore’s presidential election with a resounding 70.4% of the vote.

As he takes the reins of the nation, the cryptocurrency community watches with a keen eye, wondering how this leadership transition might impact the future of digital assets in the country.

A Historic Win: First Non-Chinese President

Tharman Shanmugaratnam’s landslide victory in Singapore’s presidential election is historic. Not only did he secure a commanding 70.4% of the vote, but he also became the first non-Chinese president in the nation’s history.

This remarkable achievement has left both his supporters and critics pondering what changes lie ahead.

Shanmugaratnam’s journey to the presidency is marked by an impressive and diverse portfolio of roles within the Singaporean government. He has served as the country’s finance minister and chaired the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the nation’s financial regulator.

His background in finance and regulation positions him as a leader with a deep understanding of the intricacies of Singapore’s financial ecosystem.

Photo by Phil Scroggs on Unsplash

A Skeptic of Cryptocurrencies

One of the most intriguing aspects of Shanmugaratnam’s ascent to the presidency is his previous stance on cryptocurrencies.

As recently as 2021, he voiced concerns about crypto assets, labeling them as “highly volatile” and “highly risky as investment products.”

His skeptical view on digital currencies, expressed during his tenure as the MAS chair, raises questions about the potential impact of his presidency on Singapore’s crypto landscape.

Shanmugaratnam’s tenure as the MAS chair witnessed the tumultuous collapse of crypto firms like Three Arrows Capital and Terraform Labs during the 2022 market crash.

These events added fuel to the ongoing debate surrounding cryptocurrency regulation in Singapore. The financial regulator, under his leadership, took significant steps such as granting approvals for, Bitstamp, Coinbase, and Gemini Trust to operate in the city-state.

Revised Regulatory Framework and Legal Recognition

Following Shanmugaratnam’s departure from the MAS, the financial regulator introduced a revised regulatory framework for stablecoins in Singapore, signaling the government’s continued efforts to create a clear regulatory environment for digital assets.

Moreover, in July, Singapore’s high court ruled that cryptocurrencies could be treated as personal property, providing a legal foundation for the industry.

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

The Road Ahead: What to Expect

As Tharman Shanmugaratnam assumes the presidency of Singapore on September 14, less than two weeks after his election victory, the cryptocurrency community is left pondering the direction of crypto regulation in the nation.

Will his previous skepticism be reflected in policy decisions, or will he adopt a more nuanced approach in light of the evolving crypto landscape?


Tharman Shanmugaratnam’s presidency marks a significant moment in Singapore’s history and has implications for the cryptocurrency industry within the nation.

As he navigates the responsibilities of his new role, the world will be watching closely to see whether his past views on cryptocurrencies shape Singapore’s regulatory path or if he embraces a more progressive stance.

The crypto community in Singapore and beyond is poised for an intriguing chapter in the ongoing dialogue between digital assets and traditional finance.



Omer Hina | Web3 Writer

Making is simpler to understand and get into web3, DeFi, and crypto. Let's have fun one whimsical article at a time.