Easy image uploading with Symfony 4 (without bundles)

Web hints
3 min readNov 4, 2018

For uploading images with Symfony 4 / Flex I use Doctrine EventListeners, as soon as the Entity gets persisted the image will be uploaded. I’ll demonstrate in this article how to do it.

For you ease of use, I included all code snippets in a gist. view gists

The setup

Setting up the Image Entity

Every image will have it’s own entry inside the database, this way you can always re-use the image or even change it’s source file without re-linking the it to the custom entity.

The Image class contains the following attributes: file, alt, id where alt is optional. The file attribute is where the actual filename will be stored.

Create a File Uploader

The image uploader receives the upload directory as defined in the services.yml file. Defining it in the services.yml like this:

$targetDirectory: '%image_directory%'

This will automate the uploading process, receiving the uploaded file, moving it to the directory and returning the filename.

You can steal the code from here: File upload gist

Create an Image Upload Listener



Web hints

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