Invisalign in Charlotte NC

Having twisted, crooked teeth or Gap in-between teeth affects your appearance and makes you feel low self-esteem. Many must have consulted with their orthodontist about their Oral Health problem and might have been recommended to use braces. Braces are the best treatment. Consider treating your crooked teeth, Gaps. But most patients find it difficult to wear these braces as one can notice you wearing them or undergoing orthodontic treatment. This makes people more self-conscious. If you want an alternative treatment other than braces, you can consider using Invisalign. Webb & Goldsmith Orthodontics provides world-class Invisalign treatment to patients in Charlotte, NC.

What is Invisalign.

Invisalign is an Orthodontic treatment used alternative to traditional braces. The braces work by putting pressure on your teeth until they become straight or perfectly aligned. The Invisible braces are custom-made braces that cover your teeth and gently place them into the proper position. They are less noticeable and are easy to wear and remove than traditional metal braces. You won’t have to worry about anyone noticing your teeth.

Invisalign is safe and effective as the braces. The Invisalign aligners are made of thermoplastic material which is custom-made for your treatment plan. The SmartTrack aligners are made of medical-grade plastic: Multilayer aromatic thermoplastic polyurethane/copolyester. Patients with a moderate misalignment, bite, overbite, crossbite, or underbite can also undergo Invisalign treatment. The patients must wear the trays for at least 22 hours a day. You can also remove these trays while brushing, flossing, and even eating or drinking.

Benefits of Invisalign

1. Better Dental Health

2. Safe and Removable

3. Improved Cleanliness

4. Invisible Appearance

5. Comfort

6. Spend Less Time at the Dentist

It is better to consult with your orthodontist if you are facing any dental problems or have any concerns about your crooked teeth or misaligned teeth. You only have to wear this aligner 22 hours per day and follow proper guidelines from your orthodontist to have an effective treatment.

Why check-up appointments are essential for treatment progress

Patients should have routine checkups. Having a checkup with your orthodontists is essential to ensure that your treatment is correct. During your checkup, your orthodontist adjusts the treatment plan to keep everything on track. Some dental practitioners suggest having two appointments for your entire Invisalign treatment. And some may want you to check in every few weeks to assess your treatment progress.

Webb Goldsmith Orthodontics.

If you are looking for Invisalign in Charlotte, NC, you can visit Webb Goldsmith Orthodontics. Webb Goldsmith Orthodontics is voted the “Best Orthodontist in Charlotte” by South Charlotte Lifestyle Magazine readers. You can schedule a consultation or contact our team regarding Invisalign treatment.



Empower brackets in charlotte nc

Want the best Charlotte NC Orthodontist? Drs Collin & Webb are skilled orthodontist offering Invisalign and braces for kids, teens and adults.