Survival Tricks for Someone Entering Code Bootcamp

Jeff Webb
4 min readSep 24, 2018


When I decided to make a complete change in my career, I decided to become a Full-stack Web Developer and signed up for bootcamp at Suncoast Developers Guild. Am I up for such a challenge? This is a major mountain to climb. One in which I thought I would never be able to climb. Making a major change in your life is never an easy decision. Having minimal experience with code just basic HTML, CSS, and some graphic design. As a hobby, I created a couple of sites with WordPress but came to a point where I wanted to know more about how code worked. In WordPress I learned how to grab a snippet of code here and there to change some functionality of the site. Really enjoying being able to personalize the site with code was fascinating. Gaining in curiosity I started taking a few online courses. Then I decided to go through web dev boot camp so I can gain a better understanding of how computer programming worked.

Here is a list that I recommend doing while attending code boot camp.

Have a clear plan

Having a solid plan in place is critical for success. Bootcamp is going to take up all of your free time, not just the time you are at school. The projects and homework are very taxing on you. So have a plan in place for your family especially if you have kids, I tell my daughter…Sorry we won’t have much time together daddy has homework. Also if you plan on having a job while attending you might want to cut back to weekends. So let everyone know that you will need their help for the 12-week program.

Do the prework

Most likely you will be assigned prework to prepare you for the program. I highly advise you to take them up on it. You might want to take some beginning program videos, such as Udemy or Codeacademy.

Start going to Meetups

Meetups are a great way to network with the programming community. It is such a great way to meet programmers of all levels. Everyone I have met at these social meetups has been very helpful. You don’t know where these relationships may lead you in the future. So take the time to sign up for as many tech meetups as you can.

Take notes on progress

I can't begin to tell you how important taking notes on your achievements. Not just class notes but a journal of your personal journey. Over time you will become very frustrated and feel you just can't get the current language you are pushing through. Trust me when I say reading over your accomplishments helps, you realize that you do know more than you are giving yourself credit for.

Clear your head/walk away

You will be surprised at the things you didn't notice but once you walk away from your computer and come back it will give you a fresh perspective. The small errors like a comma or a semicolon or my favorite save and refresh. Just a quick walk around the block can clear your head

Listen to Podcasts

Listening to podcasts has helped, you hear from a different perspective. The more you hear about different functions they become more clear. You can also learn to master your time. These are usually people that have been in the industry for a long time and they enjoy helping others learn for them and the mistakes they have made.

Just remember why you chose to go to code school. We all have different reasons for accepting the challenge and you will be challenged, but if you prepare yourself and take time to clear your thoughts you will be a programmer soon.

