4 Tips to Get Clients For Your Web Design Company

3 min readSep 13, 2018


Technology has blurred the line between offline and online companies. All businesses may not want a website, but they do need one to keep their flow of new customer open and thriving.

Now, even a plumber who serves local clients knows the value of a website as a cardinal tool to get into his future client’s radar.

The task of convincing business owners to hire a web design company has become somewhat easier since many companies are actively looking to transition their physical business to online and having a website is a prerequisite for that.

Despite this growing demand for Web Design Company, you are still struggling as a designer. Sure, you have the creative and technical acumen to build visually striking and high performing websites, but the exhaustive task of constantly finding new customers is a constant source of worry for you.

Here are the 4 tips to find new clients for your web design company:

1. Emphasize the Speed Factor

In business, time is money. “How fast can you build my site?”- That’s the most common question clients love to ask their web designers, seeing results from their websites, for example, content creation and promotion, search engine optimization and setting up PPC campaigns, which negatively affects profits too. Start a ripple effect of delayed reactions. That means the business owners have to wait for weeks to move on to the other important steps it actually triggers because they want their site done ASAP. So they can move on to the other tasks. On average, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a month to design and build a website from scratch.

When you approach a client offering your service, show them you can get them their website faster, so they don’t have to wait and can move on to marketing their website through social media and other channels.

2. Servicing is significant

A website, just like a brick and mortar office, requires maintenance and repairs. Navigation problems, outdated designs and plugins, broken links, and other technical glitches are all problems that every website is susceptible to. It can also affect a websites’ search engine rankings. A website needs ongoing support to run smoothly, so offer them servicing options so they know that you are a professional who wants them to grow their business instead of worrying about website crashing or pages not loading properly. Plus, it will also help you earn recurring revenue from them.

3. Use Linkedln and Job Boards

If you don’t have a prior list of businesses you can approach with your service, try using LinkedIn and other job boards to find postings of businesses actively searching for web designers. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer are places full of customers needing web designers, but you could also use websites like Craigslist, eBay and others.

Before you use LinkedIn to find clients, make sure that your profile is fully filled out and is keyword optimized for the service you offer. That way when a relevant customer searches for a local web designer or someone with a specific skill, your profile will show up. Also, mention your past work in your profile so they can assess your designs and contact you if they like what they see.

4. Cold Email

This is especially effective if you’re looking for high paying clients. Make a list of businesses within a specific area, and then check if they have a website. Even if they do, does it look like it needs a redesign? The answer will most likely be a Yes! Email or cold call the owner with your proposal, but if they are local, pay them a visit.

But make sure that you have your own business website before contacting them because they will check. First impression matters, especially when it comes to a web designer and his own design. So make it count and impress them. Add testimonials and your portfolio, your future prospects have all the necessary information to hire you.

Finding new web design clients isn’t hard because all business owners are trying to find new ways to get more traction and visibility online. But if you are a business owner looking for the best web design and web development company to help your business soar online, contact Webcliffe today.




Webcliffe is a Toronto web design & web development company specializing in custom web design, web development & eCommerce websites.