12 min readAug 7, 2024
  1. The universe is great. Because the one who created the world is great. — Vishesh Panthi
  2. Embrace your uniqueness; it’s the light that guides others. — Unknown
  3. We need the reference points, systems, programs, and patterns — they save us a lot of time and energy every day and during our times of learning when we come to this reality. — Maaluir
  4. Your light doesn’t dim by illuminating others. — Unknown
  5. You are magnificent beyond measure, perfect in your imperfections, and wonderfully made. — Abiola Abrams
  6. All have the ability to perceive and live in dimensional synthesis, yet they spend time with the sciences trying to separate these realms, splitting the worlds into minutia, seeking the god particle. They are searching high and low, ‘out there’, for the source of it all, but no matter how many accelerators they build, no matter how far they go, they will never find the source ‘out there’ because the source is within — Juliana Loomer
  7. It is better to learn to swim in the shallows, and then move into the deeper bits — once we’ve understood how to float. — wizanda
  8. In the vast ocean of human experience, the loss of a cherished soul carves the deepest chasm. — Shree Shambav
  9. It is taboo in our society to criticize a persons religious faith… these taboos are offensive, deeply unreasonable, but worse than that, they are getting people killed. This is really my concern. My concern is that our religions, the diversity of our religious doctrines, is going to get us killed. I’m worried that our religious discourse- our religious beliefs are ultimately incompatible with civilization. — Sam Harris
  10. How to live in community and create community without divisive beliefs that “other” others. It’s true love Godless: Living a Valuable Life Beyond Beliefs” — Jeff Rasley, Jeffrey Rasley
  11. Chapter 5 of my book, Esotericism with An Unconventional Soul, is called Healing with Lucid Dreaming. I had so much fun writing, researching, and spilling the beans about this particular subject. — Robin S. Baker
spirituality Quotes
  1. I was now in this awe-inspiring world of energy in a whole new way. The energy was moving and my consciousness was following it as though that was all there was. Indeed, it was as though I was the energy itself. I would later learn that I could open to this state intentionally, and I could also connect with others through this amazing hidden matrix at the foundation of our being. Still later, I would realize that we can all do this. — Sue Morter
  2. Simplicity in purpose is the key to finding profound happiness amidst life’s complexities. — Shree Shambav
  3. It’s relaxing when we’re not having to be something, and instead can just be. — wizanda
  4. Solamente lo eterno de nosotros puede reconocer la temporalidad de lo temporal — Eckhart Tolle
  5. In serving others, we serve our highest selves. — Unknown
  6. We are not defined by our roles, but by our inner light. — Unknown
  7. Reflection is the lamp of the heart. If it departs, the heart will have no light. — Imam Al-Haddad
  8. The actual word ‘spirituality’ was first used in Christianity before it extended to other world religions where it is now used quite general. — Philip Sheldrake
  9. Would you like to know what the eternal human equation is all about? The more you know yourself, the less you need to seek out others… the less you know yourself, the more you seek out others… — Anton Sammut
  10. I am moonlighting for the Buddha. — John Burdett
  11. Faith is the anticipation of genuine emancipation through dynamic revelation and divine intervention. — Gift Gugu Mona
  12. I resented this for quite some time — that God would spend her time talking to people about which state to live in but would not rouse herself to tell me that she is real or that I am loved. It weighs on you as a kind of injustice that God would call some so distinctly and precisely and leave the rest of us to replay our own dreams five times a night just to know which corner to hide in. — Cole Arthur Riley
spirituality Quotes
  1. Each sunrise is a canvas; paint your day with kindness and love. — Unknown
  2. Your future is born out of your present actions. — Shiva Negi
  3. Faith is the bridge between what seems impossible and what becomes reality. — Unknown
  4. Dissolving our problems requires a lot of going into our emotions, memories, and pain. It means allowing angry, sad, and fearful thoughts to come up and be clearly seen so they can dissolve. — Donna Goddard
  5. Kindness is the language the heart speaks fluently. — Unknown
  6. Breathe in peace, exhale fear; your spirit knows the way. — Unknown
  7. In order to gain possession of ourselves, we have to have some confidence, some hope of victory. And in order to keep that hope alive we must usually have some taste of victory. We must know what victory is and like it better than defeat. — Thomas Merton
  8. We might be in search of “The Buddha”. Please simplify your search. Instead of “The Buddha” please go on a look out for “Your Buddha”. Its closer than you think and much more powerful than you can even imagine. — Seeking Nomad
  9. Both spiritually and psychologically, deeper energies used to be hidden from view. Now they are hidden no more. In fact, these subtle energies are almost too noticeable. All that unlimited access has given rise to problems — tricky problems that this book will help you to solve Every day you hear so much energy talk, but does that necessarily make your life better? Today’s new rules involve Vibrational Frequencies, not just energy but different kinds of energy that are often confused by beginners. Once you learn how to tell them apart, you’ll be well on your way to a more comfortable and successful life.” — Rose Rosetree
  10. The only extant devil is the distorted mind of the human being… — Anton Sammut
  11. Jesus never asked me to give to an organization the kind of exclusive devotion he demands from his disciples. Over and over, Jesus calls people to himself — out of the church, the culture, the economy, and the family. — Michael Spencer
  12. About Donne there hangs the shadow of the impure motive ; and impure motives lend their aid to a facile success. He is a little of the religious spellbinder, the Reverend Billy Sunday of his time, the flesh-creeper, the sorcerer of emotional orgy. We emphasize this aspect to the point of the grotesque. Donne had a trained mind; but without belittling the intensity or the profundity of his experience, we can suggest that this experience was not perfectly controlled, and that he lacked spiritual discipline. — T.S. Eliot
spirituality Quotes
  1. Every breath is a gift. Unwrap it mindfully, savor its presence fully. — Unknown
  2. It takes darkness to be aware of the light. — Treasure Tatum
  3. Your soul is a garden; nurture it with love, weed out fear, and watch miracles bloom. — Unknown
  4. We are just particles of the Universe;Our true story is written upon the Stars dear.. Life is just an experience ,an experiential evolution .So simple :)” — Katerina Kostaki
  5. Every breath is a chance to begin anew. — Unknown
  6. Every breath is a chance to renew your spirit. — Unknown
  7. God in His greatness, cannot fail to give you what you need. You just need to have Faith in Him. — Gift Gugu Mona
  8. Some of the fighters wear the best uniforms, do the best drills, but hardly anyone has seen them fighting. Some you won’t even think that they are fighters, but they are the best knights on the battlefield. — Zain Hashmi
  9. The path to inner peace is paved with forgiveness and self-acceptance. — Unknown
  10. Every breath is a prayer, every heartbeat a sacred rhythm. — Unknown
  11. Why keep waiting until we become uncomfortably numb‽ — wizanda
  12. What you gain another will lose, for What is there is all there is. What you share another will have, for What is there is enough for all. — Rohan and Mohan Perera (World of Ro and Mo)
spirituality Quotes
  1. In embracing our shadows, we discover our inner light. — Unknown
  2. The echoes of falsehood are the whispers of a fearful heart. In essence, a liar is a soul seeking refuge from the storms of truth. — Shree Shambav
  3. Spirituality shouldn’t be politicized. It’s like mixing water with raw sewage and drinking it Deanna” — Deanna L. Lawlis
  4. Love is not just a feeling, it’s a choice we make every day. — Unknown
  5. Every prayer is heard, every tear is counted, every hope is honored by the Divine. — Unknown
  6. Your struggles are the chisel shaping your spirit’s magnificent sculpture. — Unknown
  7. But alone in distant woods or fields, I come to myself, I once more feel myself grandly related, and that cold and solitude are friends of mine. I suppose that this value, in my case, is equivalent to what others get by churchgoing and prayer. — Henry David Thoreau
  8. We are not drops in the ocean, but the entire ocean in a drop. — Unknown
  9. Reflections encourage a way to connect to the essence — Leo Lourdes
  10. The day when you feel that there is no need to wish for anything. You already had everything. On that day, understand that you have started getting supreme knowledge — Vishesh Panthi
  11. Gurucharanam Saranam….Everything Happens for a Reason..after doing the right things!!! Let’s discover the purpose of life, going with our Instincts, firmly believing that spiritual growth, Health, and Production will always be a natural outcome of living each moment with quality, Integrity, Passion, Empathy, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience & Kindness. Then the entire solar system will be there to support it.. — Janani Sreevanditha Jnanathapaswini
  12. An EMPATH is someone with at least one significant gift for directly experiencing what it is like to be another person. Many different empath gifts are possible, but the process of developing empath skill is identical whether you were born with one empath gift or many. — Rose Rosetree
spirituality Quotes
  1. When there is no tension between the inner beingness and that which is being expressed, there is grace. — Donna Goddard
  2. Infidelity is the first sign of religion Disbelief is the sign of practical divinity. Birth of a question is the birth of understanding, To question division is to practice humanity.” — Abhijit Naskar
  3. In serving others, we find our truest selves. — Unknown
  4. When nations resort to arms, the human spirit is like a bird that cannot stand to hear its own song. — Phoenix Desmond
  5. Except for the point, the still point, There would be no dance, and there is only the dance — T. S. Eliot
  6. The present moment is a gift; that’s why it’s called ‘present’. — Unknown
  7. Pain is not the same as suffering. Left to itself, the body discharges pain spontaneously, letting go of it the moment that the underlying cause is healed. Suffering is pain that we hold on to. It comes from the mind’s mysterious instinct to believe that pain is good, or that it cannot be escaped, or that the person deserves it. — Deepak Chopra
  8. In stillness, we find the whispers of our true selves. — Unknown
  9. I’ve never heard anyone say “I wish I hadn’t forgiven. — Katerina Stoykova Klemer
  10. Wisdom speaks softly; listen with your soul, not just your ears. — Unknown
  11. I don’t think that God says, “Go to church and pray all day and everything will be fine.” No. For me God says, “Go out and make the changes that need to be made, and I’ll be there to help you. — Elvia Alvarado
  12. In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. — Unknown
spirituality Quotes
  1. Those among you who are curious, who lust for life in all its fluidity, dare with me: Bite into life, eat of the fullness of its possibility. — Patricia Lynn Reilly
  2. Just as the moon bears its hidden face, we too harbour unseen depths within us. — Shree Shambav
  3. In the silence between thoughts, eternal truths reveal themselves. — Unknown
  4. Compassion is the religion of the heart. — Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
  5. The Cliffs Of Consolation by Stewart Stafford Don’t fall meekly off Life’s precipice, With Death stamping on weak fingers, Cling on, scream, fight the inevitable, For gravity’s jury’s karmic reprieve. Souls crash in the surf beneath, The perennial tide of plankton orbs, In effervescent flows above the bluff, Doves flying back when the flood’s over. If beyond salvation, down you plunge, Assuage yourself with lifetime efforts, All is pardoned, wiped clean in death, A phoenix risen from bodily constraints. Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved. — Stewart Stafford
  6. Consciousness before the arrival of a thought, situated in pure awareness is choiceless. — Ja’de Luxman
  7. Our thoughts are the paintbrush, our life the canvas. — Unknown
  8. The path to enlightenment begins with a single step inward. — Unknown
  9. The universe whispers its secrets in the silence of our hearts. — Unknown
  10. Education never give results in life untill you don’t respect your teachers.. — P k
  11. When we wonder, we loosen the cords that restrain our love. And the people most in love with a thing are prone to become its fiercest protectors. — Cole Arthur Riley
  12. We are spiritual beings — indestructible, immaterial and safe. — Donna Goddard
spirituality Quotes
  1. The light peeking through the gloomy cloud serves as a reminder that even amidst life’s challenges, there is always a glimmer of possibility and beauty. — Shree Shambav
  2. In the realm of Maya’s veil Where illusions dance and sway, Ram and Krishna, wise and true, Saw through the world’s ephemeral hue. Allah, the All-Merciful, proclaimed, This mortal stage, a fleeting game Where egos strut and passions flare, A testing ground, a soul’s repair.” Muhammad, the Prophet of Light, Expounded on the material plight, A transient realm, a fragile guise, Where true treasures lie beyond the skies. Oh, heed their words, their wisdom deep, And seek the essence, the soul to keep, For in the depths of spirit’s embrace, Lies true reality, time’s endless chase.” — Aiyaz Uddin
  3. Until you truly value and love yourself to the core, the rest is simply noise. It is easy to fall into the trap of trying to please all the people all the time and end up losing sight of yourself — Ayelet Baron
  4. We grow from salts, and we use sugar as fuel; too much salt overloads the roots, and too much sugar spoils us Fixing an overload, requires time & release, to make space for dilution.” — wizanda
  5. In the gallery of perspectives, we may share two eyes, yet the canvases of our views are painted with the unique hues of our individual experiences. — Shree Shambav
  6. Devote the mind to confusion and we know only too well, if we´re honest, that it will become a dark master of confusion, adept in its addictions, subtle and perversely supple in its slaveries. Devote it in meditation to the task of freeing itself from illusion, and we will find that, with time, patience, discipline, and the right training, our mind will begin to unknot itself and know its essential bliss and clarity. — Sogyal Rinpoche
  7. Midnight eyes, she has blending with the dark. Camouflaging her spirit amongst jet ink night. Spirit Tree] — Susan L. Marshall
  8. The wise person does not become involved in the multiplication of things, knowing that all phenomena are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, and a shadow. — Twitter — @IntroIntrospect
  9. If our shallow, self-critical culture sometimes seems to lack a sense of the numinous or spiritual it’s only in the same way a fish lacks a sense of the ocean. — Grant Morrison
  10. True happiness is not found in any external achievement, true happiness is found in the realization of one’s true self as the embodiment of God. — Shiva Negi
  11. The present moment is a gift — that’s why it’s called the present. — Unknown
  12. Your spirit is a beacon of light in this vast cosmic dance. — Unknown
spirituality Quotes
  1. Through individuated pieces of [Source], Source takes on numerous physical and nonphysical experiences, including experiences where [It] may veil [Itself] from [Its] own true nature, so that [It] can have the experience of separate perspectives It] does this for the purpose of the expansion of the joy and love of Beingness through Creation. — Christian Sundberg
  2. In the silence of our hearts, we hear the whispers of the universe. — Unknown
  3. In the silence of your heart, lies the wisdom of the universe. — Unknown
  4. To find your purpose, follow the whispers of your heart’s joy. — Unknown
  5. That we, with all our extraordinary and still largely unexplored potential, were born on a fragile ball of life hurtling through the vastness of space…could anything be more miraculous? — Samie Al-Achrafi