Webiserver Admin
3 min readMar 10, 2020

Is it worth having a web server at home?

Many words, less actions! Yes the short answer, but of course it depends on what you want to do! Me?! Well i wanted to be free of cost for my websites’ tests and do whatever i want with my server!

To start,i can say that is not easy to have something like that for free and same services as hosting companies! I built the webiserver, which is modified linux debian/ubuntu based server with extra scripts and codes, in order to have a free web server with services and security like, or may i say, better than the hosting companies give to me! OK, i use free open source programs but its free and i learnt how to use them , so i prefer them now!

The only problem i have faced is the dynamic ip! Most home lines have dynamic ip which changes every once in a while, so when u have dynamic ip u cant have email based on your domain! The solution? Easy i use gmail with a app security code and thats it! No problem! The second thing is the backup! I have the sql automatically backup but the whole server had to be done through clonezilla. I do it every week or whenever i made a big website change or upgrade. So no problems!

I read in articles that a home server cant support more than 20 visitors at the same time. Well i can say it depends on the hardware of your pc! So simple!

What i earn? I learn every day how a server works! I can modify settings for better results and i do not have limits on anything! That is called free dedicated server!

Visit webiserver.eu , is hosted on a home server! Test it on gtmetrix, just a laptop!

Webiserver just works, i made it to work and not for “sales”, i made it to work for me! I don't like to have something that's not working or i have to deal with it every day or having hard time with the configuration! Once you install it on a usb it works! Use the code from terminal to open port 80 , you can find it easily on search engine or on the website , then find your public ip by visiting for example chickenip website, type your public ip on browser and thats it! The basic idea! You have your website online! IN internal network u dont do anything! It just works! If you want to do tests or whatever a developer needs without all the problems and limits or errors a server on a hosting company has, its more than useful!

On my experience for years now, now i say it is worth! Some times i was going to quit on the idea but i figured it out!! Easy and simple, i am wondering why there are so many videos and tutorials that don't lead you to what you were searching for! You wantt a web server on your pc that really works and host your website! Easy, secure and fast!!! No semi-works and 10 hours searching what to do!

If you have some idea about computers its easy as i made it! Webiserver is working, no need for search and what programs to install and how to configure them! So if i have an operating system with all the configuration ready for a web server it is worth!! If you start from 0 to setup your web server with free open source operating system or programs one thing is sure! You need time and knowledge of commands and linux!

To do something on your own and not depending on others is a milestone! At least try!!