2 min readJun 18, 2018

Wow customers with Augmented Reality digital catalogs

Augmented Reality App Development

Adopting digital technology has many advantages and an environmental-friendly benefit is the reduction of printing papers. We at Morton Vision, provide the AR-based digital catalog that not only saves printing costs and papers but accommodates content changes in the catalog, at any time.

If you are wondering how a digital catalog with Augmented Reality can help, let’s take furniture shopping as the example. For buying furniture, typically, customers need to visit the shop to have a look and feel of the finished product. But you can provide the same experience virtually with AR digital catalog right in their smartphone screen. Augmented Reality allows placing virtual objects that are fully furnished, in their room space to check whether the furniture will fit in the space and suit their needs.

One of the benefits of an Augmented Reality-based digital catalog is allowing customers to place the order instantly. Every AR object will have an ‘Add to cart’ button and saved in the cart once the customer clicks it. The selected products will bt auto-saved in the draft for added convenience. To drive your brand image, we will add clickable shopping icons for capturing the buyers’ attention at the right time which will increase sales and revenue.

Our Morton catalog is compatible with various eCommerce platforms that include Magento, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and Shopify. Every catalog is customized and loaded with features, features add-ons and plugins to suit your requirements.

There are multiple advantages in choosing Morton AR catalog over standard ones. To start with, customers can experience the product in 360-degree and 3D and help them decide quickly on their purchase. AR catalogs reduce product returns because buyers virtually experience the product and therefore, take well-informed decisions before purchase.

AR allows the customer to operate the features in the product virtually and this increases their satisfaction. Many customization options capture buyers attention and improve overall sales. Further, AR catalog has not gone mainstream and gain the early-mover advantage to enjoy the competitive edge. Get in touch with Morton Vision and go smart and green.


Creating digital experiences with augmented reality that redefines online shopping and offline marketing.