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7 min readFeb 11, 2021

Alexa Rank: SEO Tools from Amazon, There are many website analysis tools out there. One of the famous ones is Alexa. Amazon’s marketing tools provide complete data on a website and also give you a website ranking based on their data called Alexa Rank.

What is Alexa Rank?

Alexa Rank is a marketing tool that uses website traffic data to rank popular websites. Alexa Rank is widely used by businesses to analyze the competition. Alexa ranking is determined by combining data estimating the number of website visitors and how many pages visited by website visitors.

Alexa itself was originally a company in California that was founded in 1996 and was taken over by Amazon in 1999. Alexa is indeed focused in the field of collecting website traffic data. At first, you need toolbars and browser extensions to collect data. With this data, Alexa helps various businesses to develop. One of them is the Wayback Machine, an Internet archive. But their most well-known product is Alexa Rank — a metric that ranks websites according to their popularity or how many people have accessed and used the website in the past three months.

How Does Alexa Rank Compose Ranking?

According to the official explanation from Alexa, their ranking is calculated by combining the number of visitors each day with the number of pageviews obtained by a website in the last three months.

These data are collected from internet user users who use one of the 25,000 browser extensions on Google Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer that install the Alexa script in it. Then Alexa uses their algorithm to correct data that is considered biased to provide more accurate data. In addition, there are several websites that have Alexa coding on their website so that Alexa knows how many people come to the website more accurately. Because the data collected from the use of internet users is only an estimate.

In addition, there are also those who say that Alexa uses data from third parties in order to be able to provide data from wider sources. If you visit the Alexa website, you can immediately see the ranking of a website without having to install extensions or widgets. The ranking is available globally and according to the country.

How to check Alexa Rank

For those of you who want to check Alexa ranking for a website, the method itself is very easy. As mentioned earlier, you don’t need to install extensions or widgets to see the ranking of a website on Alexa. You only need to visit the official Alexa website.

As you can see in the view above, you just enter the website domain that you want to check and click Find. After that, you will see a results page that contains detailed data about the website. For this article, we include Wikipedia.

The first thing you will see is the global ranking and ranking of the website in the country you choose.

In addition, Alexa also provides website visitor data which unfortunately can only be seen if you use the Alexa paid plan. However, you can see the geographical location of Wikipedia visitors and the details on the right. For free access, they only show the five countries that access Wikipedia the most.

In the next section, you can see engagement on the website you entered. As you can see in the picture above, you can see the bounce rate, the number of pages accessed by each visitor, and how long someone spends time on Wikipedia. Below that, you can see where people find access to the Wikipedia website and what keywords people use until they can find Wikipedia.

If you want to know more, Alexa also provides data about what websites visitors access before they enter the Wikipedia website and what websites they will visit after they exit the Wikipedia website (paid features).

Not only that, they also tell which websites provide backlinks to Wikipedia and other websites related to Wikipedia.

Alexa also tells you which pages or subdomains (if any) are visited by website visitors. After that, you can see that Alexa also tells you how fast (or later) the website is loading.

Finally, Alexa tells you where you can get more information about the website you are checking. There are also additional demographic data about website visitors at the bottom.

Is Alexa Rank Accurate?

From what we see, Alexa provides fairly complete data. Especially if you want to measure your competition. But are these data accurate?

This question does not yet have an absolute answer. Some think that Alexa provides data that is quite reliable. But many also still combine Alexa data with data from more well-known website analysis tools such as Google Analytics.

Why is that?

People say that Alexa has not been able to collect accurate and real-time data from everyone because not all internet users install extensions that have an Alexa script in it. In addition, not all websites enter the Alexa script into their website so that it can be tracked by Alexa. So their data actually comes from limited sources.

In addition, Alexa is also not completely transparent about how they determine their website ranking. They have not opened up about the origin of their data and how they calculated the metrics. We only know that they use two metrics (daily visitors and page views for the past 3 months) as their main metrics. Many people feel that this alone is not enough.

So, is Alexa ranking important?

For this question, the answer is actually relative. For most webmasters, website ranking is an important factor. Because of the website ranking, you can know whether your SEO strategy has gone well or not. However, if you want to know whether your website is working well, it helps you not only use the Alexa Rank. You certainly can analyze the website with Alexa Rank, but also analyze your website with other website analysis tools to ensure its accuracy.

If you want to see your competitor’s website, Alexa Rank can give you an idea of their website. The data provided by the Alexa Rank can tell you whether your competitor’s website is popular and how their website is compared to your website.

For those of you who use ads as one way to make money from your blog, there are many advertisers who check a website using Alexa. Many advertisers use Alexa ranking to decide whether your website has high marketing potential; will their ad be seen a lot and get a lot of clicks when installing on your website? Most advertisers use Alexa to give them an idea of whether your website can bring profit. Therefore, Alexa ranking can be important to you.

How to Increase Alexa Rank

If you feel the Alexa ranking is important for your website, then you must increase your website’s Alexa Rank. The following are some of the ways that you can do to increase your website’s Alexa Rank:

Install the Alexa toolbar

As mentioned earlier, so that your website data can enter the Alexa database, you need to install the Alexa toolbar or extensions in your browser. So the first step you have to do to increase Alexa Rank is to install the Alexa toolbar. Every time you visit your website, the data will enter the Alexa database. This can help your website’s Alexa Rank to experience a significant increase. To install the Alexa toolbar, you can just visit the Alexa toolbar download page and follow the steps.

Install the Alexa widget on your website

Besides the toolbar, you also need to install the Alexa widget on your website. Why? The Alexa toolbar only records visits that come from your browser. So if your website visitors don’t have the Alexa toolbar, their visit will not be counted by Alexa. Then how to overcome it? Install the Alexa widget on your website. The Alexa widget on your website counts all visits to your website. For those of you who use WordPress, you can directly install the Alexa Rank Widget plugin.

Create and post content that is interesting and has value

Content is an important thing for a website. To get a lot of visitors and traffic, of course, you need interesting content and optimized for SEO. You certainly know that search engines or search engines like content that gets a lot of clicks. If your website has a high ranking in the search engines, your ranking on Alexa will also go up.

In addition, with content that is interesting and has value, you might invite visitors to revisit your website at other times. This can also help increase your Alexa Rank. Try doing other digital marketing strategies such as social media marketing, email marketing, and so on to attract people who have visited your website.


In this article, we have discussed about Alexa Rank. Alexa Rank can give you an idea of the popularity of a website. This is of course very useful if you want to see how successful your competitors are. In addition, if you want to make money from your blog, the Alexa Rank is widely used by advertisers to see how good your website is and whether they will benefit a lot by advertising on your website. Although there is still much debate about the accuracy of Alexa Rank, Alexa can be a tool that helps you to evaluate a website. If you want to share your experience using Alexa or have questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment in the comments column below. Hopefully, this article helps!

The post Alexa Rank: SEO Tools from Amazon appeared first on InfoMint.

This content was originally published here.