The Most Common Image Mistakes Every E-commerce Company Do

2 min readSep 5, 2023

Nowadays, e-commerce is booming around the world and any business through e-commerce is actually doing great business. According to studies, compelling imagery gets more clicks, leads to longer engagement and drives more sales. High-quality share images are the first impression customers have of your products, and they can significantly influence purchasing decisions. However, several common image mistakes are often made by e-commerce companies that can negatively impact their online success. This blog will explore these mistakes and provide insights on how to avoid them.

share images
share images

Using low-resolution or pixelated images is a cardinal sin in e-commerce. Poor-quality images not only fail to showcase the product effectively but also erode customer trust. To avoid this, invest in high-resolution images that offer clear, sharp, and detailed views of your products.

Insufficient or improper lighting can lead to dull, shadowy, or unevenly lit images. Well-lit shared images enhance product visibility, showcase details, and create a professional appearance. Utilize natural light or invest in proper lighting equipment to capture your products in the best light. Maintaining a consistent visual style across all product images is crucial for brand identity. Inconsistencies in background, lighting, and styling can make your website appear cluttered and unprofessional. Create image guidelines and templates for your products to ensure a uniform look and feel.

A significant portion of online shoppers browse and shop using mobile devices. Neglecting mobile optimization for your product images can result in images that are too small or unclear on smaller screens. Optimize images for various devices to provide a seamless shopping experience. Customers want to examine products from different angles before making a purchase decision. Failing to provide multiple views can lead to dissatisfaction and returns. Include images that showcase the front, back, sides, and relevant details to give customers a comprehensive understanding of the product.

Alt text is crucial for accessibility and SEO. It provides descriptions of images for users with visual impairments and helps search engines understand your content. Don’t overlook this essential step in image optimization.

Avoiding these common image mistakes can significantly enhance your e-commerce business’s visual appeal, customer satisfaction, and overall success. However, if you are a small business owner, you can take help from a genuine website called Sharemyimage if you want to create image sharing links. Prioritize high-quality, consistent, and accurate product images to create a positive and trustworthy shopping experience that keeps customers coming back for more. Remember, in the world of e-commerce, a picture truly is worth a thousand words.

