ChatGPT’s Hilarious Guide to SEO: 24 Prompts to Make You Laugh and Boost Your Ranking

4 min readApr 3, 2023


Are you tired of the dull, straightforward approach to SEO? Fear not! ChatGPT has got you covered with these hilarious prompts that will have you laughing your way to the top of the SERPs.

Yeah, this is how SEO is done to make serious money online
  1. “AI writer”? More like “AI liar.” Here are ten keyword ideas to help businesses trick their way to the top of Google.
    prompt: Generate a list of 10 keyword ideas on the topic “AI writer” for businesses.
  2. Who needs original content when you can just copy the top-ranking blogs? Here are the URLs to prove it.
    prompt: Provide a list of the top 10 ranking blogs on the keyword ‘Your keyword’.
  3. Can’t think of anything to write? We’ve got you covered with blog topic ideas that are so generic, they’re bound to rank.
    prompt: Suggest blog topic ideas for ‘Your keyword’ that can rank on Google
  4. Copywriting and SEO go together like peanut butter and jelly. Here’s an outline that will have you salivating for more.
    prompt: Write a detailed blog outline on the topic “What Is Copywriting and How to Use It for SEO?” with H2, H3, subheading, and bullet points.
  5. Have a question about SEO copywriting? Too bad! We only answer the FAQs we feel like answering.
    prompt: Write a list of Frequently Asked Questions for the keyword “SEO copywriting”
  6. Did you know that 100% of people who use AI copywriting are robots? Here are the statistics to prove it.
    prompt: Write an introduction with statistics, facts, trends, and data on the topic ‘Define AI Copywriting & Explain Its Benefits for SEO’
  7. When it comes to AI copywriting, the possibilities are endless. Here are some semantically relevant topics that will have you scratching your head.
    prompt: Provide a list of semantically relevant topics relevant to “AI Copywriting”
  8. Long tail keywords are like a box of chocolates — you never know what you’re going to get. Match them with search intent and hope for the best.
    prompt: Provide 10 long tail keywords related to ‘AI writer’. Match each keyword with any of the 4 types of search intent.
  9. Who needs original content when you can just paraphrase someone else’s? Here’s how to copy without getting caught.
    prompt: Please paraphrase this paragraph “insert text”
  10. Summarizing articles is easy. Just take the main points and leave out all the boring stuff.
    prompt: Help me summarize this article — “Your article URL”
  11. Meta descriptions are like pick-up lines for search engines. Here’s one that’s guaranteed to get you noticed.
    prompt: Write a meta description on the topic “insert topic”
  12. No-follow links are like the friend zone of SEO. Here’s how to make sure Google knows you’re just not that into them.
    prompt: Create a no follow link for “insert URL”
  13. Sunsets, birds, and AI — what could go wrong? Here are five text prompts that will make your AI art look like it was done by a kindergartener.
    prompt: Write 5 text prompts to generate an AI image on a beautiful sunset with birds
  14. Who needs to travel when you have AI? Here’s an image of Burj Khalifa that will have you feeling like you’re in Dubai — minus the jet lag.
    prompt: Generate an image of burj khalifa with a fountain view and light
  15. Internal linking is like playing matchmaker for your content. Here are some ideas that will have your pages falling in love.
    prompt: Help me with internal linking ideas for a blog
  16. Backlinks are like friends with benefits for SEO. Here are some initiatives to follow and some websites to reach out to.
    prompt: Write a list of initiatives to follow for a backlink strategy to rank the keyword “Your keyword” on the first page of Google.
    Also, how many backlinks should I build? Write a list of relevant websites to reach out to
  17. Need some link building inspiration? Here are ten websites that talk about your keyword — and might just give you some link love.
    prompt: Provide a list of 10 relevant websites that talk about “Your keyword”. Mention their URLs
  18. Planning your content calendar is like planning your social life — but without the FOMO. Here are ten content ideas, with word counts and publishing dates.
    prompt: Create a content publishing calendar with 10 content ideas that cover “keyword”. Include the recommended word count and publishing date for the months of March and April 2023.
  19. Character counts are like calorie counts for your text. Here’s how to make sure you’re not overindulging.
    prompt: Count the characters in this text “Your text”
  20. Proofreading is like a spell-check on steroids. Here’s how to make sure your text is error-free (or at least, error-lite).
    prompt: Please proofread this text “Your text”
  21. Who are you writing for, anyway? Here are some target audience personas that will make you feel like you’re living in a bad rom-com.
    prompt: List the target audience with persona details for the keyword “Your keyword”
  22. FAQ Schema Markup is like the Cliff’s Notes of SEO. Here’s the code you need to cheat your way to the top of the SERPs.Structured data is like the exoskeleton of your content. Here’s how to make sure it’s strong and sturdy.
    prompt: Write an HTML code for FAQ Page Schema Markup for the following question and answer. “question” “answer”
  23. Guest posts are like house parties — you want to be the life of the party, but not too obnoxious. Here’s how to pitch yourself like a pro.
    prompt: Help me write a super engaging and creative outreach email pitching a guest post for “Your keyword”. Come up with 5 catchy topic suggestions as well.
  24. Robots.txt is like a bouncer for your website. Generate rules for this with AI.
    prompt: Generate rules for your robots.txt

If this helps you, follow and give me 50 claps.




Digital Marketer with over twenty years of experience. Now a digital nomad working on my own schedule and living in paradise.