How To Find 404 Links That Are Broken On Your Website?

Allen D.
9 min readAug 21, 2022


How To Find 404 Links That Are Broken On Your Website?

404 Links Crawling Errors Can Be Many Things

404 links crawling errors can be anything from broken 404 link errors to duplicate content. These issues can hinder your website, preventing search engines from properly indexing your site. This problem can lead to decreased traffic and visibility and lower search engine rankings.

To avoid these issues, it’s essential to regularly check for crawl errors and fix them as soon as possible. You can do this using various tools, such as Google Search Console or Screaming Frog. If you’re unsure how to fix an error, you can also contact a professional SEO company for help.

404 Links Caused By Slow Loading Speeds

404 Links Caused By Slow Loading Speeds

If you’ve ever clicked on a link only to be taken to a 404 error page, you know how frustrating slow loading speeds can be. 404 errors are often caused by links that haven’t been updated, which can lead to broken pages and wasted time. In addition to being annoying, slow loading speeds can also harm your business.

If potential customers click on a link and are taken to a page that doesn’t exist, they’re likely to give up and go to a competitor’s site. To avoid 404 errors, regularly check your website for broken links and update them as needed. It would help if you also improve your website’s overall speed by optimizing images and caching. Taking these measures can help ensure potential customers have a positive experience on your site.

404 Links Causing An Impact In Site Ranking

404 Links Causing An Impact In Site Ranking

It’s no secret that a website’s ranking in search engine results pages can significantly impact its success. After all, if potential customers can’t find your site, they will not be able to buy your products or services. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure that your site is well-indexed by search engines. Unfortunately, broken or dead links can sometimes get in the way. When a search engine tries to access a page on your site and receives a “404 Not Found” error, it will lower your site’s ranking.

Thankfully, there are a few easy ways to fix this problem. Using a 301 redirect, you can ensure that visitors who try to access a broken link will be redirected to the right page. Additionally, regularly checking your site for broken links and fixing them as soon as possible can help to keep your ranking high. With just a little effort, you can keep your site visible on search engine results pages and attract new customers.

404 Links Give Penalties From Search Engines

404 Links Give Penalties From Search Engines

It can be frustrating when a user clicks on a link that leads to a 404 error page. Not only does it mean that the user cannot access the content they were looking for, but it also reflects poorly on the website. Unfortunately, 404 errors can also harm a website’s search engine ranking. This penalty is because search engines view 404 pages as a sign of an outdated or poorly-maintained website.

As a result, websites with multiple 404 errors are often penalized in the search results. To avoid this, website owners must regularly check their links and ensure that all pages are operational. By taking this proactive approach, they can help to ensure that their site remains visible in the search results.

404 Links Increases Users Bouncing From Your Website

404 Links Increases Users Bouncing From Your Website

Users who click on a broken link will be taken to a 404 error page. This forwarding often happens when a website owner forgets to renew their domain, or they have changed their website’s URL structure without redirecting the old links. At the same time, it may not seem like a big deal, but having 404 links on your website can increase your bounce rate and hurt your search engine ranking.

This problem is because search engines view broken links as a sign that your website is outdated and not well-maintained. As a result, they are less likely to display your website prominently in search results. To avoid this, regularly check your website for broken links and redirect them to the new page. Doing so will help ensure that users always have a positive experience on your website.

404 Links Cause Nothing But Problems

If you’ve ever seen this 404 error on your site, it’s a broken link issue that can cause significant problems. When a link is broken, the page you are trying to reach no longer exists. This 404 error can be caused by many things, such as the page being removed or the URL is changed. Either way, it can result in lost traffic and decreased search engine rankings.

If you suspect a broken link on your site, the best thing to do is check all of your linkages regularly. This way, you can catch any broken links before they cause too much damage. You can also use a tool like Google Webmaster Tools to help identify and fix broken links. By taking these steps, you can help prevent the 404 errors from occurring on your site.

404 Links Cause Nothing But Problems

What A 404 Error Is Actually

If you’re running a website, keep an eye on your traffic and ensure everything runs smoothly. One thing that can hurt your traffic is 404 errors. This error happens when someone tries to access a page on your site that doesn’t exist, and typos or outdated links generally cause them.

If you have a lot of 404 errors, it can make your site seem unreliable and discourage people from visiting. Worse, if another external site links to your 404 pages, it can hurt your search engine ranking. That’s why it’s essential to fix any 404 errors as soon as you find them. Taking care of these broken links can help ensure that your site remains accessible and easy to use.

If you’ve linked your content to another site, but the link is broken, you’re losing out on traffic. This problem is because search engines will often devalue links that don’t work, hindering your efforts to rank higher in search results. Furthermore, broken links can frustrate visitors to your site, leading them to go elsewhere.

To avoid these problems, check your links and fix any broken ones regularly. There are a few different ways to do this, such as using a tool like Screaming Frog or manually checking each link yourself. Whichever method you choose, fixing broken links will help ensure that your site is running smoothly and generating the most traffic possible.

404 Links, Software To Fix These Errors

If you’re worried that your website might have some crawling errors that are harming its performance, Screaming Frog is one of the best tools you can use to check. This program will quickly and efficiently crawl through your site, checking for potential errors. Once it has finished, it will give you a report detailing any issues it found.

This report can help pinpoint where exactly the problems are so that you can fix them. In addition, Screaming Frog can also be used to check for other potential issues, such as broken links or duplicate content. As a result, it’s an essential tool for anyone who wants to ensure their website is running smoothly.

SEO tools are essential for any business with an online presence. They help you identify and fix issues that could prevent your website from ranking highly on search engine results pages. One of the best SEO tools available is Screaming Frog. Unlike some other tools, Screaming Frog offers a free scan of your website.

This free tool lets you see detailed information on what needs to be fixed and how to go about it. In addition, the device provides clear and concise instructions on how to make the necessary changes. As a result, Screaming Frog can save you a lot of time and effort in improving your website’s SEO.

404 Links, Software To Fix These Errors

When reviewing your website, it’s essential to look for common problems impacting your site’s performance. For example, check to see if your pages are loading slowly, if there are broken links, or if the design is cluttered or difficult to navigate. These common issues can discourage visitors from staying on your site.

Duplicate Or Missing Content, Leading To 404 Links

404 errors can be frustrating for both website owners and visitors. When a page is missing or removed, it can cause the browser to display a 404 error. This error can confuse users, as they may not know why the page is unavailable. For website owners, 404 errors can be a sign that there is duplicate or missing content on their site. This problem can happen if a page is accidentally deleted or content is copied from another site without permission.

In either case, fixing the issue as soon as possible is crucial to avoid losing visitors. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to fix 404 errors. For example, you can redirect the user to another page on your site or create a new page with the desired content. Either way, taking care of these errors will help to keep your site running smoothly.

404 Links Or 404 Errors

A 404 error occurs when a user tries to access a webpage that doesn’t exist. There are many reasons why this might happen, such as a mistyped URL or a broken link. Regardless of the cause, a 404 error can frustrate users and website owners. For users, it can mean they can’t access the information they’re looking for on your Website. And for website owners, it can result in lost traffic and revenue.

Fortunately, some simple steps can be taken to mitigate the impact of 404 errors. For example, website owners can create custom 404 pages that provide helpful instructions for users who have landed on a page that doesn’t exist. Additionally, website owners can use redirects to send users to the correct page if they try to access a page that no longer exists. By taking these steps, website owners can help minimize the frustration caused by 404 errors.

These issues are common on most sites.

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Allen D.

Pro: Social Media Manager | Copywriter | Virtual Assistant. I cover SEO Copywriting, Blogging, Organic & Paid Traffic, Ad Copy, and more. I'm here to serve you