Latest Digital Marketing Trends and Forecasts for 2022

Web Sharx
3 min readOct 31, 2021


In today’s fast-paced world of technology, it is more important than ever to keep up with digital marketing trends. The new marketing channels, social networks, and data insights have changed how marketers do their jobs.

Marketing campaigns need to be smarter in order to get customers’ attention on a crowded web space. In 2022, web design experts in Toronto predict that there will be a greater focus on mobile internet usage as well as content marketing efforts. This article explains the latest digital marketing techniques and trends to grow your revenue.

Transformative Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Digital Marketing

The internet has become the driving force behind our global economy and society. With this level of access to information and ability to communicate with one another, there is no way that we could ever go back to the old ways of doing things.

The rapid advancement of technology has now led to Artificial Intelligence (AI) being the most talked about topic in business today. Digital Marketing is no exception, with AI having significant impacts on how marketers can better engage their audiences.

With advancements in both hardware and software, we are seeing AI take on new roles in digital marketing campaigns. Artificial intelligence offers incredible potential for marketers but also requires an understanding of the unique opportunities and challenges it presents.

Key Role of Video Marketing and Social Automation

Video marketing is a trend that’s been on the rise for years and shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. It’s a great way to reach your target audience, especially if you’re looking for people who are more visually-oriented.

With the ever-increasing amount of time spent on social media, it is crucial for businesses to take advantage of these platforms by increasing their presence through automated posts while still maintaining a professional tone.

Key Role of Video Marketing and Social Automation

Visual Search is an Important Component in Digital Marketing

There are many ways that businesses utilize visual search to help them grow their brand awareness and increase revenue. One of the most common examples is using a variety of images on product pages. This tactic helps customers get an enhanced understanding about what they are purchasing while also increasing conversion rates.

Embracing Mobile-first Strategy

Mobile-first strategy in digital marketing has been a fast and steady trend in the last few years. The rise of mobile devices and the shrinking screen size on these devices is leading to more people using their phone as their primary device for browsing websites, reading emails, and interacting with social media platforms.

This strategy involves thinking mobile-first when designing your website, which means that it should be easy to use on any device, regardless of screen size.

Embracing Mobile-first Strategy

Digital Tasks and Marketing Automation

Marketing automation helps you to stay on track with deadlines while keeping up with the latest digital trends. And if you need any data from your clients, it’s easy to pull this information from an automated system. Marketing automation can make your life easier by helping automate repetitive tasks so that work doesn’t get backed up due to busy schedules or lack of planning ahead of time. Automating routine tasks saves your time and effort.



Web Sharx

Web Sharx is a premier web design company in Toronto specialized in brand development through connecting strategies employed through website development.