WebsiouxOperational Marketing Conversion LawIn practice, any marketing funnel can be divided in a set of more elementary sub-processes where the marketing conversion law apply:Jan 16, 2018Jan 16, 2018
WebsiouxinDecentralize.TodayMassive Business Opportunities hidden in the NXT Blockchain.And possibly others..Feb 6, 20171Feb 6, 20171
WebsiouxTrust Partners you should not trust !Welcome PAON, the Proof of Activity Opened Network.Apr 4, 2016Apr 4, 2016
WebsiouxHow the Blockchain Delivers Eternal and Irrefutable Proofs for Your CopyrightsIt’s all about Cryptography..Jan 20, 2016Jan 20, 2016
WebsiouxDéclaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen de 1789Une légère re-écriture qui retire les mentions divines, la sacralisation de la propriété et préciserait la nécessité des représentants pour…Dec 5, 20151Dec 5, 20151