Dancing with Algorithms: The Intricate Tango of AI’s Progress and the Challenges of Machine Learning

3 min readJan 28, 2024


For more insightful AI/ML Analysis, please take a look at this week’s newsletter — Neural Narratives: AI/ML Chronicles of the Week (01/28/24)

The world of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is a constant tango of thrilling advancements and groundbreaking techniques, mixed with enduring challenges and ethical dilemmas. Each article adds its unique beat to our understanding of AI’s dance with society. Let’s sway along and explore the recent developments wrapped in the tales of OpenAI’s LoMA, LoRA and the challenges in the ML world.

In this grand ball of AI, OpenAI has certainly caught our eye with LoMA — a resource-efficient marvel built to negate memory limitations in deep learning models. Like a smart packer on an adventurous trip, LoMA intelligently optimizes and utilizes memory resources. We see it outshine its contemporaries in tasks such as image classification and language modeling while significantly economizing memory usage. Yet, like every pioneer, LoMA carries its burden — an added computational overhead impacting training and inference speeds. But make no mistake, the tale of LoMA is a beacon of hope for more contextually aware and powerful AI systems.

While LoMA dazzles with memory compression, LoRA, another star on the AI skyline, shines brightly by using limited resources effectively. It’s a classic underdog story in the ML world — minimal resources, high adaptability, and an excellent performer. LoRA learns from unlabeled data, tackling different data distributions like a chameleon changes its colors, imbuing it with the strength to improve model performance. However, like putting a puzzle together, effectively implementing it requires precise hyperparameter tuning and a sophisticated harnessing of unsupervised learning techniques. It’s a testament to the adage, “There are no shortcuts to excellence.”

On the flip side of these exciting advancements, there lies a more challenging terrain. Both novices and veterans will agree that ML can be complicated. They deal with a plethora of tricky affairs — striking a balance to prevent model overfitting, acquiring high-quality data, constant learning, and handling the iterative nature of machine learning and lack of interpretability in some algorithms. It’s akin to a thrilling quest with an elusive final destination. But with continuous learning and experimentation, these challenges are not insurmountable.

Now, imagine being a software engineer, eager to leverage the power of AI and ML, but faced with formidable barriers. Many software engineers find themselves in a ‘stranger in a strange land’ scenario — a world of new knowledge beyond traditional software engineering education. Moreover, the trials of creating and refining ML models are like traveling in uncharted waters without a map due to the lack of proper ML-oriented tools and infrastructure. However, cooperative efforts with ML experts could pave the way for discoveries, contributing to the growth and reliability of ML models.

As we leap into the future, the dance of AI will continue its exciting rhythms, spinning to the tunes of new advancements. The promise of more contextually aware and resource-efficient AI systems from achievements like LoMA and LoRA is exhilarating. Yet, we must also tune our ears to the subtler notes of the challenges faced by practitioners of AI and ML, especially software engineers. We must amplify our efforts to equip them with the right tools and knowledge to work in harmony with the evolving chorus of advancements.

In conclusion, the narrative of AI and ML is more than a tale of groundbreaking advancements such as LoMA and LoRA. It is also a story of relentless exploration and continual learning, tinged with the hard realities of implementation. As we move forward, let’s strive to strike the right balance, one that simplifies AI and ML without overfitting its complexities, to create a harmonious duet for everyone to enjoy. As we hear the exhilarating chords of the future, we should ponder the broader implications of AI in our lives and societies. How will these advancements reshape our lives, the way we work, and even how we perceive the world? That’s a dance I look forward to seeing unfold.





fine-tuning myself and others on the potential of LLMs