Learning the Routing System in Laravel

3 min readMay 30, 2023


Learning the Routing System in Laravel
Laravel is a popular PHP framework that provides a robust routing system for building web applications. The routing system in Laravel allows you to define how incoming HTTPrequests should be handled and mapped to specific controllers and actions within your application.

To get started with the routing system in Laravel, follow these steps:

  • Routes File:
  1. Open the routes/web.php file in your Laravel application. This file contains the route definitions for handling web requests. You can define your routes here using the Route facade.
  • Basic Route:
  1. A basic route definition consists of an HTTP verb (e.g., GET, POST) and a URL pattern. For example, to handle a GET request to the root of your application, you can define a route like this:
  2. phpCopy code
  3. Route::get('/', function ()
    return 'Hello, World!';
  • Route Parameters:
  1. You can define route parameters by wrapping them in curly braces within the URL pattern. For example, to capture a user ID in the URL, you can define a route like this:
  2. phpCopy code
  3. Route::get('/user/id', function ($id)
    return 'User ID: ' . $id;
  • Named Routes:
  1. You can assign names to your routes using the name method. Named routes are useful when generating URLs or redirecting to a specific route. For example:
  2. phpCopy code
  3. Route::get('/user/id', function ($id)
    return 'User ID: ' . $id;
  • Route Groups:
  1. You can group related routes together using the prefix and middleware methods. The prefix method allows you to add a common prefix to a group of routes, while the middleware method allows you to apply middleware to the routes within the group. For example:
  2. phpCopy code
  3. Route::prefix('admin')->middleware('auth')->group(function ()
    Route::get('/dashboard', function ()
    return 'Admin Dashboard';
    // Other admin routes...
  • Route Controllers:
  1. Instead of using anonymous functions as route callbacks, you can also route to controller actions. First, create a controller using the php artisan make:controller command. Then, you can define a route that points to a specific controller and action. For example:
  2. phpCopy code
  3. Route::get('/user/id', 'UserController@show');
  4. In the above example, the show method of the UserController will be called when a GET request is made to the specified URL.
  • Route Model Binding:
  1. Laravel’s routing system also supports route model binding, which automatically injects model instances into your controller actions. For example, if you have a User model, you can define a route like this:
  2. phpCopy code
  3. Route::get('/user/user', function (User $user)
    return $user;
  4. In this case, Laravel will automatically fetch the user with the corresponding ID from the database and pass it to the route callback.

These are some of the key concepts of Laravel routing system. By using these techniques, you can define flexible and powerful routes to handle various HTTP requests in your Laravel application. Remember to refer to the official Laravel documentation for more details and advanced routing features: https://laravel.com/docs/routing





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