LED (IPS) vs LED (TN) — What’s the Best Display Panel Technology?

3 min readMay 19, 2023

LED (IPS) and LED (TN) refer to two different types of display technologies used in LCD monitors and TVs. But what is the best display panel technolgy? Here’s a comparison between the two:

  1. [tie_index]Viewing Angles[/tie_index][padding top=”0" bottom=”0" right=”5%” left=”5%”]
  • Viewing Angles:
  • IPS (In-Plane Switching): IPS panels offer wide viewing angles, typically up to 178 degrees. This means the colors and contrast remain consistent even when viewed from extreme angles.
  • TN (Twisted Nematic): TN panels have more limited viewing angles, usually around 160 degrees horizontally and 170 degrees vertically. When viewed from extreme angles, the colors may shift and the contrast may decrease.
  1. [tie_index]Color Accuracy and Reproduction[/tie_index][padding top=”0" bottom=”0" right=”5%” left=”5%”]
  • Color Accuracy and Reproduction:
  • IPS: IPS panels provide accurate color reproduction and typically have better color accuracy compared to TN panels. They can display a wider color gamut and produce more vibrant and true-to-life colors.
  • TN: TN panels generally have less accurate color reproduction. While they can still display a wide range of colors, the color accuracy and vibrancy may not be as high as IPS panels.
  1. [tie_index]Response Time and Motion Handling[/tie_index][padding top=”0" bottom=”0" right=”5%” left=”5%”]
  • Response Time and Motion Handling:
  • IPS: IPS panels generally have slower response times compared to TN panels. This means they may exhibit more motion blur, especially in fast-paced video games or action scenes. However, modern IPS panels have improved response times, and unless you’re a professional gamer, the difference may not be noticeable to the average user.
  • TN: TN panels have faster response times, making them more suitable for fast-paced gaming and reducing motion blur. They are often preferred by competitive gamers due to their quicker pixel transitions.
  1. [tie_index]Contrast and Black Levels[/tie_index][padding top=”0" bottom=”0" right=”5%” left=”5%”]
  • Contrast and Black Levels:
  • IPS: IPS panels typically offer better contrast ratios and black levels compared to TN panels. This means they can display deeper blacks and brighter whites, resulting in a more dynamic image.
  • TN: TN panels generally have lower contrast ratios and may not display black levels as deep as IPS panels. The image may appear slightly washed out in comparison.
  1. [tie_index]Price[/tie_index][padding top=”0" bottom=”0" right=”5%” left=”5%”]
  • Price:
  • IPS: IPS panels tend to be more expensive than TN panels, primarily due to their superior color accuracy and wider viewing angles.
  • TN: TN panels are more budget-friendly and often found in entry-level or gaming monitors due to their fast response times.

In summary, IPS panels are known for their wide viewing angles, accurate color reproduction, and better contrast, making them suitable for tasks such as graphic design, photo editing, and general multimedia consumption. TN panels, on the other hand, excel in fast-paced gaming scenarios due to their fast response times, but they sacrifice viewing angles and color accuracy in the process. The choice between IPS and TN ultimately depends on your specific needs, preferences, and budget.





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