Julian Guderley: Weaving Regeneration, Purpose, and Localized Solutions
We connected with Julian Guderley and asked him our WeCare Impact core questions.
Read below to find out what he had to say!
What is your purpose?
Julian: At this point in my life I have been Podcasting for Regeneration for the last 5 years. My purpose is to tell a new story, to live a new story and to meet those who are on the path of building a regenerative foundation for human life on earth. In my view, purpose can change over the years, but for now I am committed to transformation, as a teacher, coach, Podcaster and Storyteller.
Why do you care?
Julian: I believe we are all indigenous to the Planet Earth and as such the Earth is literally and figuratively our mother. When we see the Earth as our mother, actions that are based on pure exploitation will have to cease. I care because I relate to life as a sentient force that calls for evolution as an active path, an adaptive path and a path of ongoing equilibrium. I believe we are just a few years away from ensuring our waterways and soil of the Earth are treated as the substance of life, rather than being poisoned and fought against.
What have your learned?
Julian: Lifelong learner over here, for sure. I am humbly admitting that i have learned that there is more i don’t know about than i do know about. Further I am realizing that it will take us, me, our generation to bring about a change of truly looking into the fine print, details and action plans of economic and governmental interests. When we admit that the fine print of climate solutions, progress, further industrialization and basing our hopes on machines solving our problems are actually not in favor of life, but are an economic play for the ones driving it, then I believe we are at a point of clarity in which we can choose what else to do instead. Lets say the UN SDG’s for example, they look like a great approach to gather solutions and goals that everyone could get behind. But when we look closer at the fine print of solutions we will quickly learn that they are either not achievable, too globalized and techno-centric and not in favor of all of life to thrive. Ending world hunger with more GMO and pesticide dependency is short term thinking for maximum economic profit, it will kill the soil, water and ultimately the life basis of many people and animals. The health of our climate, planet and our species is strongly interdependent to the health of soil, water and animals.
I am learning that it will take many localized projects, efforts and solution findings to support communities, cities, bioregions back into health. I see these localized efforts as metaphorical “islands of coherence”, happening across the world despite governmental or oligarchical influence. I will give explicit examples, i.e. in Brazil we will simply have to stop using agritox products and GMO foods to feed an industry of farming that serves an industry of killing hundreds of millions of animals a year. Other examples in the PNW we will need to reopen dams in Washington state and cease Fish Farming with lice and pests to preserve the local Salmon and bioregions homeostasis. Another topic would be plastic, it is time to simply stop producing new plastic on this Earth. We will find solutions for what is here, and can recycle with what we already have produced for ages, but just like with microchips not every resource is infinite and the consequences are going to have to be dealt with by us, the next generations and the health of our waterways and soil will show. I also have learned that it is not too late, it is just really the time. In fact I believe we can cultivate thriving economies for many more people and ensure the end of starvation by acting with local resilience, rather than global obedience.
What is your wish / dream for the world?
Julian: My dream for the world is that the water is our revered source of life on this planet. The way we treat the water is the way we treat each other and ourselves. My dream is for the future generations of children on planet earth not to be enrolled into industrialized programming or slavery, but to be introduced to an education of freedom, love, resilience and (entrepreneurial) creativity. May we find peace with who we are as humans on earth, and may we cease to support a war industry of any scale on this planet. Instead, we may choose to cultivate peace and localized solutions for all people and beings, in a global interconnection of caring.
Join Julian & Nesma (founder & CEO of WeCare Impact)today on WeCare Impact Instagram page for a special IG TV live!
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