WeChat Mini Programmer
4 min readMay 16, 2019


WeChat has a very strict usage policy placed for the users to follow and adhere to in all circumstances. It helps the company maintain a decent social media platform for everyone. If any user does not adhere to rules and regulations by any means, there is a high chance that your account will be blocked temporarily or permanently depending on the degree of violation.

Sometimes, you may not be aware that you are violating their privacy and usage policy. If your WeChat account blocked recently, there could be a lot of reasons for the decision. The first thing you need to do to unlock WeChat account is to determine the reason why your WeChat account got blocked. It will help immensely in WeChat account recovery.

Common Reasons Why WeChat Accounts Get Blocked

Android Emulator — If you are using WeChat from an Android Emulator instead of an original Android device, your account will be blocked. It is because using Android Emulator for WeChat is considered a fake account.

Unofficial Download — Apart from downloading WeChat app from the official platforms like Play Stores, there are many people who download the app from unauthorized platforms. Therefore, if you are using an unofficial version of WeChat, your WeChat account blocked sooner than later.

Illegal Content — If you are posting content containing adult stuff, spreading fake news regularly, disturbing with annoying ads, posting things that could lead to scams and violence, get ready to get blocked.

Virtual Phone Number — If you are using a virtual phone number generated by some means, your account will be considered fake and if WeChat detects it, the account is getting blocked.

Report By Other Users — If there are multiple users reporting to the WeChat team to suspend your account citing valid reasons, it will be banned. Though in such a case WeChat account recovery is possible with a valid explanation from your side.

Suspicious Activity — If you are using the WeChat account to do suspicious activities trying to trick people and hack their accounts, your account could be banned permanently.

Apart from these, any violation of WeChat rules and policies will get your account banned.

Recover WeChat Account From Banned State

The good news is that in some circumstances, you can recover WeChat account from banned state and unblock WeChat account. There are only a handful of scenarios when you can recover WeChat ID, and they are listed below.

– If your WeChat account has got banned due to using emulators, you can switch to a real device and unblock WeChat account. But make sure that the device does not already have a WeChat account present beforehand. You can click this link — Account Recovery.

– If you were using unofficial WeChat app and your account got banned for the same, you need to download the official version from Play Stores, Apple App Store or whichever is there. Then you can recover your WeChat account from the banned state.

– If you have been blocked due to reports from other users, you can contact the WeChat support team and get your account verified with the help of your friends who have WeChat accounts. Go to WeChat support page and search for Help Center or Feedback. In the feedback page, write your issue and select the right options, and they will contact you back.


If you are a WeChat user, you should know about the WeChat usage policy and relevant rules and regulations. If you happen to violate any of them, your account will get banned sooner than later. If it is something you have done unwillingly, there is an option to recover WeChat ID if you can undo the reason for the ban. You should always contact the WeChat support team to understand the reason for the ban and unblock it with all the right measures.



WeChat Mini Programmer is the world’s top Wechat Mini Program Developing platform. We are experts in everything Wechat related.