WeChat Mini Programmer
4 min readMay 24, 2019


WeChat is the most popular social media and messaging app in China with over one billion users. WeChat is the app which you will find in almost all the smartphones Chinese people are using. In fact, most of those Chinese people use WeChat on a daily basis for instant messaging, social networking, as well as for various internet services it has to offer. Tencent, which is the parent company of WeChat, is continuously adding new features to the app to increase engagement of the active users and for better convenience and comfort. Tencent is working on bringing WeChat Digital ID feature to their WeChat Payment option.


Among the various features and functionalities of the WeChat app, WeChat Payment is extremely popular for making digital payments. This works both online as well as offline when they buy something. The company is now making the revolutionary WeChat Digital ID. This WeChat Digital Identity will help users availing government services without the need for any physical identity card. Therefore, it can be referred to as WeChat Government ID, and it is sure to make life easy for the users. At the same time, the use of WeChat for availing government services will increase which will let the app grow faster and generate more revenue for the company.


WeChat electronic identification system has been tested successfully on a smaller scale in Guangdong. But Tencent is not the only company to try out the concept of an electronic ID system. Alibaba has carried out a similar project with Alipay which is the largest payment service provider in China. They tried the feature out in Wuhan. This electronic ID system is likely to be popular in China as the users have to verify their accounts. They make transactions by linking with their identification documents. There will also be the least chances of impersonation and fraudulent cases. The authenticity of an electronic ID system will be extremely high.


WeChat developer team is working on two different ways by which the WeChat users can get an Electronic Identification System.

Linking Documents With ID — The traditional way of linking the documents of the users with the WeChat account will help in the identification of the users. The data of the users will stay encrypted such that there is no identity theft. Hence, WeChat government ID will stay completely secure.

Facial Identification — This is the most interesting approach that even Alipay is implementing. There is a no better option to verify one’s identity than through facial recognition technology. There was the question of the accuracy of the technology, but with the introduction of AI and powerful and efficient sensors in the front camera, it is the most safety way out. Statistically, the technology is tested to be around 99% accurate in comparison to manual human facial identification. The manual identification peaks out at around 85%. Therefore, there are greater chances of catching an imposter and fraud with the digital facial identification system.

The Wechat electronic ID system will make life easy for all WeChat users. Especially when making digital payments using WeChat Payment. The facial identification technology has a long way to go to be absolutely accurate. With the current parameters and advancements, it is on its way of materializing and on the verge of becoming popular. The day is not far behind when all the digital payment apps will implement the feature, and it will become the only way of verifying identity. The people are ready to accept the change as it will be more convenient for them. All Wechat Electronic ID system needs now is trying out on a larger scale and the government’s trust.



WeChat Mini Programmer is the world’s top Wechat Mini Program Developing platform. We are experts in everything Wechat related.