WeChat Mini Programmer
3 min readJun 17, 2019


WeChat by Tencent has been a blessing for China. It is already the most popular social media app in the country connecting people of all levels of the society. Besides, it is one of the biggest e-commerce platforms as well as digital payment processors. However, the recent survey shows that WeChat is one of the top job creators in China as far as 2018 goes. China Academy of Information and Communication Technology and Digital China Research Center co-publish a report about WeChat employment and its impact on Chinese society. A major contributor to WeChat work is its e-commerce platform in the form of WeChat mini-programs.


By WDDMarch 16, 2019

WeChat by Tencent has been a blessing for China. It is already the most popular social media app in the country connecting people of all levels of the society. Besides, it is one of the biggest e-commerce platforms as well as digital payment processors. However, the recent survey shows that WeChat is one of the top job creators in China as far as 2018 goes. China Academy of Information and Communication Technology and Digital China Research Center co-publish a report about WeChat employment and its impact on Chinese society. A major contributor to WeChat work is its e-commerce platform in the form of WeChat mini-programs.

How Is WeChat A Job Creating Platform?

A social media platform always helps in creating jobs irrespective of the category. It is because it is a platform where users of all skill levels are available for hire. But WeChat is quite different and instead of being a platform for job spreading through groups and individual communication, it generated jobs for people directly and indirectly. Due to mini-programs acting as a proper e-commerce cluster platform for small businesses and big brands, WeChat has come up as one of the top job creators.

To be precise, more than 22 million job opportunities are recorded in 2018 in WeChat job groups. Out of these 22 million jobs, nearly 5.3 million of them drew direct income from the platform. The jobs through WeChat employment increased by almost 10% as compared to 2017. It is in line the annual average growth of job generation since 2014. On average, 2 million extra jobs are being created every year in addition to the usual job generation. However, the report does not specify whether the jobs are full-time, part-time or anything about the average wage.



WeChat Mini Programmer is the world’s top Wechat Mini Program Developing platform. We are experts in everything Wechat related.