Bridging the chasm with UX

2 min readNov 8, 2023


I hypothesize that UX is a critical factor in traversing the “chasm” identified in the diffusion of innovation theory, enabling the successful transition from early adopters to the broader market.

As Simon Sinek advocates, “starting with why” in our customer interactions is paramount. If early adopters find value in what we offer, a less intuitive design may not be a significant barrier. Their enthusiasm drives them to adopt the product regardless.

However, when word-of-mouth marketing carries the product from early adopters to the majority, the game changes. The majority has higher expectations, demanding that the product truly stands out as the best solution for their needs.

While bypassing early adopters and directly targeting the majority through aggressive marketing may work in some cases, I believe prioritizing early adopter engagement is generally a more effective strategy. If they become enthusiastic advocates and spread the word, marketing may become less necessary.

UX Pyramid

Aarron Walter´s Hierarchy of User Needs

How do we attract early adopters, those individuals who are eager to embrace new innovations? I believe by investing in the user experience, we ascend the UX pyramid, reaching the higher levels of user satisfaction that resonate with early adopters. The subjective emotional part of the pyramid.

Therefore, crossing the chasm as i see it requires a user-centered approach, starting with why. But as early adopters engage the majority, a product that resonates with the majority’s needs and understanding becomes essential.

While all departments within an organization play a vital role in its success, I believe UX holds the key to bridging the chasm between early adopters and mainstream adoption. For startups, I believe prioritizing UX from the outset and focusing on delivering an MVP that meets the highest levels of user satisfaction is crucial for achieving sustainable growth.

The MVP of Aarron Walter´s Hierarchy of User Needs

Apple stands as a prime example of a company that masterfully employed this strategic approach. Their unwavering focus on crafting exceptional products, always prioritizing the ‘why’ over the ‘what,’ resonated deeply with early adopters, seamlessly paving the way for the majority to embrace their offerings. Apple’s products exuded an inherent likability, making them irresistible to a broader audience. Their ascent to the pinnacle of the UX pyramid is a testament to their unwavering commitment to user-centered design.

While this is merely my own perspective and hypothesis, I firmly believe in the transformative power of UX design. It holds the potential to empower everyone.




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