The first Eco-friendly Cannabis plantation heated by the mining and powered by solar energy, which utilizes a cryptocurrency bound to the cost of one gram of cannabis

4 min readApr 17, 2018


WEEDO / The Eco-friendly Plantation

Grow an organic and sustainable Cannabis farm

​The installment of solar panel will allow our ranch to be energy self-sufficient including the light for the indoor culture, divers air flux systems, but also the mining.

The use of solar energy to support mining is an innovative practice that has advantages both financially and ecologically.

​In fact, the heat created by the ASIC’s will allow our production both outdoor (greenhouse) and indoor to beneficiate of the heat during the coldest time allowing financial savings.

​Biological fertilizer primarily made out of animal waste, peat, regular and liquid manure, algae, and guano whether it is indoor or outdoor will exclusively feed the production of Cannabis. There are numerous possibilities and no lack of resources to use.
Weedo Farm, the Eco-friendly Cannabis Plantation

Our ranch has for mission to produce a superior organic quality Cannabis along the insurance of respecting the environment.

To do so, we wish to establish a new system currently still unused.


Preserving the environment, We will use solar energy, and the heat from the mining!

Solar energy is a clean renewable and sustainable energy that is inexhaustible. This energy source is reliable and does not present any risk of breaking. Untaxed and environmentally friendly, the installment of solar panels contributes to the decrease of CO2 emissions, and reduces the emission of pollutants, which helps to preserve natural resources. In fact, panels are 100% recycled at the end of their life expectancy.

Our structure will necessitate an important amount of energy, 70% of the energy production will be dedicated to the mining, which will also be used as a heat source that will be distributed within the culture.

The greenhouse culture will represent 80% of our production of Cannabis and will not necessitate a large amount of electricity. The lighting source being natural, the energy production will be mainly used toward the hydroponic structure and the airflow system.

Our goal is to divert the heat produced by the Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and graphics-processing unit (GPU) during the mining to heat and maintain a beneficial environment for the Cannabis crops situated inside the greenhouse as well as the indoor production.

Air extractors will recover the emission of heat produced by the mining hardware before being filtered and redirected to the production area.

The totality of the hardware will be powered by our solar energy.

WEEDO / Solar Energy / Mining /

An explosive market

The market for legal marijuana is heating up in a big way. Legal marijuana sales have surpassed $8.5 billion in North America in 2017, according to a new report from cannabis industry analysts Arcview Market Research, in partnership with BDS Analytics.

That represents an unprecedented 16% increase over 2016, shattering previous expectations about how quickly the cannabis industry could grow in the face of strict federal regulation. The report further predicts the entire legal cannabis market to reach $22.8 billion in sales — a 26% annual growth rate by 2021 — as more states legalize marijuana for recreational use and existing markets mature.

An asset bound to the cost of each gram

When the Cannabis is grown and ready, get profit from our sales without ever touching it: Grow it with us, Sale it with us, Make profit with us!
An asset bound to
the cost of each gram

WEEDO Token allocation


Funds Allocation



  • 04/15/2018 Publication of the Whitepaper, Website and social networks development
  • Pre-sale 06/10/2018–06/12/2018
  • 06/14/2018–07/30/2018 Public sale
  • Softcap : United States Company Etablishment, Licences and purchase of land in California.
  • Q3 2018 Greenhouses Construction for the exterior production and hydroponic production equipment installation for the interior culture
  • Q1 2019 Outdoor ground preparation and beginning of interior sowing
  • Q2 — Q3 2019 Exterior Sowing and harvesting of indoor first production
  • Q3 2019 Second interior sowing and sale of the first interior harvest.
  • Q3 2019 — Q1 2020 Outdoor harvesting and extension of outdoor production space


For reasons of security and in view of the current political climate, some members of the team wish for the moment to be anonymous. We hope that you understand their choices and that this will not affect the credibility of WEEDO and its team.

Thank you


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The Eco-friendly Cannabis plantation powered by solar energy and heated by the mining.