weekly OLM #34 & #35 (25th August & 1st September)

2 min readSep 3, 2022


The good news is back!

If someone could help write these blog posts on a weekly basis, that would be great.

Last week, instead of our usual meetup on zoom, at the last minute, we decided to join a Cardano meetup and green-pilled another few members of the Project Catalyst community!

We also launched a new tool, that allows anyone to search the global database by brand. See for yourself at https://openlittermap.com/tags?brand=nestle

It’s slow, pretty basic, and needs a lot more work but it’s a start on our public API.

We also launched the FAQ page at openlittermap.com/faq

and upgraded the background colour of your users profile that you can only find on web when you log in.

log in and visit openlittermap.com/profile

We also fixed a bug with the Littercoin count, moved Littercoin to its own table so we can track what photo created what Littercoin, and you can now view your Littercoin counts on this profile page (which also needs a lot of work).

This week, we were back to our normal zoom call.

We discussed the following:

  • Let popups about new cities appear in a dedicated slack channel.
  • Make the facebook group public access so users can see all posts without having to join
  • French translation is almost ready
  • We need to improve how we manage translations. Lots of ideas here but not enough financial support
  • How can we get more people and groups using the app for WorldCleanupDay this September 17th? We need to improve + promote our new cleanups feature.
  • Update — we have been contacted by people from HOT OSM (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap team) from Mexico and Peru, who want to use OLM for WorldCleanupDay to map litter + dumpsites across latin america!
  • The custom tags page needs to be fixed, improved, and complemented with more statistics.
  • Give users the ability to explore their previous uploads, edit them, and reset any photo by ID.

Some other good news in development.

Follow on social media for updates!

See you again soon with more good news.


