Inverness: 4 Days 4 Landmarks

Week Travels
4 min readNov 9, 2018


Traveling through Inverness might take some a couple of days, others just a day (in a guided tour) but nothing compares to being your own guide, and staying for nearly a week in this beautiful highland city enjoying the sights or at least some key wonderful landmarks, which I plan to visit when in town, and will share with you in case you are looking for a short bucket list for your travels.

Why 4? Why not more days, why not more beautiful landmarks? It can be done but if you are passing by Inverness along with Scottish cities then you want to be ready and make it quick, unless you actually have the time to stay longer and the money; alas, most of us do not have (yet) the last two, so we are going to take a trip for 4 days and make the best of it here in Inverness.

Inverness Cathedral

First stop is the Inverness Cathedral or if you prefer the Cathedral Church of Saint Andrew. A piece of architecture like no other with its pink sandstone which might be the first thing you notice when you get there. As a plus the River Ness is close by in case you want to take a look while here.

The Cathedral has been standing since late 1800. Around 1866, the architect Alexander Ross native to Inverness gave life to this place, even if from outside it does not seem like much once inside you will marvel at the Gothic style of it.

Victorian Market

Next day we travel to the Victorian Market and enjoy all the incredibly and unique shops where we will buy all the souvenirs for friends and family. Even though you might think that it is best to leave the shopping for the last day, I think that it is best to get it over with soon, since you might spend some of the money before getting something nice.

The market is in Old Town and gives life to the place with all its variety and stands. Once done here, and if you are still in the mood to keep enjoying the city then when night falls you can head out to ‘ The Malt Room ‘, a friendly bar with a fine selection of snacks and drinks.

Inverness Botanic Gardens

Day 3 takes us to the beautiful and blossom halls of Inverness Botanic Gardens, opened by Prince Edward in 1993. This amazing oasis of greenness is the place you will go when finding yourself in need of mental calmness or looking for an inspiring time.

It was previously known as Floral Hall and Gardens, and if you want to make the city life fall away from your mind and just experience some alone and quiet time then this is the place. It is described as a “ green emerald in the heart of the city “. Nothing better to recharge for the last day.

Inverness Castle

Day 4, going back to the River Ness and everything around it, you will remember the Cathedral being around the river, as it is Inverness Castle, one of, if not, the most iconic place in the city. Since 1836 this Castle has been in place but before it, in the land where it stands today, there were many Inverness Castles since 1057.

Despise it being a wonderful place to visit, be wary there is an entry fee of £5.

Even when the original structure is gone, inside you will find the original well and a statue of Flora MacDonald, made by sculptor Andrew Davidson in the late 1800's.

You can of course take your pick from these 4 landmarks and visit in whichever order you wish. I do hope you enjoy your stay as I surely will, when I finally get to go to Scotland, one of the top countries I plan to visit while in Europe.

For more cities and countries to visit, check out the rest of the entries and if you are in Spain and in need of a restaurant then I have some suggestions here: 4 Restaurants in Madrid. I hope you liked it and wish you a merry day or night. Remember to enjoy the adventures.

Traveling to Latin America? Check out these 4 Places to visit with your Family.

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Week Travels

Travel experiences that last a lifetime. Travel enthusiast. Dreamer. On a break. (Also the domain selaoguide is no longer available).