Saving money as part of the weeCashback system

3 min readJul 10, 2020


The weeGroup has made available to their users an innovative alternative to conventional loyalty programs. Rather than rely on loyalty points which can only be used at one company’s stores or with one company’s services, weeUsers receive cashbacks which they can then use in a number of ways.

Cashback system

wee is a cashback portal based on an open system with hundreds and even thousands of cooperating partners. weeMarketplace is an international platform and connects merchants and consumers together. weeGroup is focused on European Union-based stores and it is there that wee are building our ever growing and vibrant community.

wee group facilitates a Europe-wide mobile cashback system connected to local merchants both on and offline. Retailers award a certain percentage cashback to each customer paying cash.

The wee platform currently has 200,000 registered users and over 20,000 merchants, brick an mortar retailers and other offline service providers as well as 1,700 merchants, retailers and service providers online.

By 2020 weeGroup is planning to increase the above numbers to 500,000 registered users, 30,000 offline retailers and 3,000 retailers online.

Reward program

Our infrastructure is made available to any wee user at no additional cost. Every weePartner receives revolutionary trade tools allowing for quick execution of secure payments and easy customer data management.

Unlike other reward programs, wee charge you only if you make a sale. You can then adjust the percentage of the cashback offered while paying only a miniscule operational fee.

Every weePartner receives predetermined commission for every transaction finalized by their client at other weePartners’ — both online and off. If you’re our partner, you will make money whenever your clients make an online or offline purchase around the clock, around the world.

The terminal weePos will make it possible for each weePartner to quickly review each transaction and account for it. weePos has all the necessary tools a partner might ever need. weePos uses special software which will calculate your cashback commission easily and fast — any operation on weePos is intuitive and easy saving you the trouble of having to train all your employees in complex systems.

Furthermore, every weePartner has access to a broad FAQ section featuring practical and easy-to-undestand answers to any question relating to wee. As our partner, you are always appraised of the latest updates and system features.

The weeGroup’s main goal is to solve the issues having to do with fiat currencies and to harness the promise of cryptography and blockchain in an optimal way. With a transparent peer-to-peer like system, wee will merge financial innovation and the existing cashback industry into a financial technology of tomorrow.

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The weeGroup is an operative group of 12 companies owned by the Swiss Fintec Invest AG The wee ITO is conducted by the weeNexx AG.