Ethereum Hackathon Sum-up: Earn Ether with the Bountyboards prototype (skateboard)

weeve's World
Published in
3 min readSep 13, 2017
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gajek, our Chief Scientist, presenting at the event.

2 weeks ago, eciotify had the privilege to attend and present at the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center: Ethereum Hackathon.

The sold out 5-day blockchain event occupied the unique co-working space of Tatcraft in Frankfurt and consisted of many enthusiastic teams and guest speakers, like NBT, Commerzbank, Daimler, IOTA and more.

The teams consisting of talented developers were challenged to work with their real-world IoT business [proof of] business concepts on top of IOTA or Ethereum using Raspberry Pi or HiKey hardware platforms and RuuviTag sensors. This resulted in 15 (!) incredible projects that were presented and judged on the final day. With DroneChain, a drone battery charging hanger, taking first place.

However, one of the most exciting projects is called ‘Bountyboards’. It was conceptualized by Martin Maurer, our very own hacking guru, and Philipp Sandner, Daniel Grassinger and Otso Jousimaa.

Bountyboards Explaind: Earn Ether when you skate!

Bountyboards is a revolutionary skateboard that lets you earn Ether as you complete tricks. It is fitted with a RuuviTag Sensor, which measures acceleration and X-Y-Z movements. The eciotify software ensures that the sensor is not tampered with and the data that is transcribed onto the blockchain is attested and truthful. Below are some images that describe the Bountyboards in more detail. The Bountyboards is still a prototype.

Central idea: earn Ether when you complete tricks.
Basics of the project. A RuuviTag on bottom and a Raspberry Pi 3 as a gateway.
An encrypted MAM message sent successfully from RuuviTag to the Raspberry Pi 3. After this, the RPi publishes a transaction to the Tangle.
Transactions on Tangle Explorer.
Philip (left) and Martin (right) presenting Bountyboards, with the skateboard prototype.

Overall, we were extremely pleased with the outcome of the event, which has been described as,

‘productive and inspiring in many ways’

— by Lauri Jämsä, the founder of @ruuvicom.

Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook for exclusive updates, photos and video material!

If you are interested to read more on the event, click here, to find a post by Lauri Jämsä from Ruuvi, or look for the #iothackffm across the above mentioned Social Media channels.



weeve's World

weeve’s mission is to enable pioneering companies to securely extract new value from an increasingly connected machine economy.