Siemens Mindsphere Event Sum-up: Weeve and a Future Economy of Things

weeve's World
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2017
Martin presenting at the Siemen’s Mindsphere event

Last week Thursday we had the privilege to present eciotify to a distinguished audience at the Siemens Mindsphere event in Berlin.

We presented and explained how we are combining IoT and blockchain to allow for autonomous IoT data trading and thus empowering an Economy of Things.

The event was hosted in the trendy Kreuzberg offices of AtomLeap and was attended by various members from Siemens and Siemens Mindsphere, like Claus Cremers, Ingo Hecker and Michael Ebert, and 6 selected start ups; eciotify, conntd, Sensefinity, Snuk, pipe and Perfect Industry.

The event revolved around pitch presentations from start ups that was followed by a panel discussion on various use cases between these start ups and Siemens Mindsphere. Later into the event, Mindsphere presented their demonstrator.

Overall, we really enjoyed the opportunity to present to such a distinguished audience with a wealth of knowledge on blockchain and IoT and revelled in answering challenging questions that were posed to eciotify.

Martin demonstrating how eciotify enables trusted IoT data trading.



weeve's World

weeve’s mission is to enable pioneering companies to securely extract new value from an increasingly connected machine economy.