Do you want to build a telephone booth?

3 min readMar 12, 2017


After weeks of ideation, we were quite happy as a team to have a solid idea in place. After all, what designers and developers do best is make things. And so we spent the last week thinking about what our physical telephone booth would look like, what supplies we need, and who to befriend in evolution house so no looses a finger during the construction process.

Our design queen Circle mocked up some blueprints of what our booth should look like and how big it should be so we could buy the right amount of wood.

I watched a lot of HGTV as a kid, and my favorite part of any home improve or interior decorating project was always the part where they went shopping for supplies. I think it lived to the hype. Going shopping with the team turned out to be a pretty fun afternoon.

Come on lets go and play

The wood was going to take a few days to get delivered, but meanwhile we were working on solidifying the experience within the booth. For the technical aspect, we decided to use Processing. While waiting for the keypad and phone jack orders to arrive we’ve been getting familiar with processing. Our original plan was to also leverage the twitter API, but we realized the twitter aspect of our idea isn’t urgent in the sense, we don’t need it for the exhibit, but we do want to include it in our final prototype. We were all excited for the exhibition and its also a great way to solidify what we need for an minimal viable product.

Once our wood arrived we ventured to the wood workshop and met Alan. It’s great to have help for the construction bit, he helped in cutting the wood to the size we needed so we could begin assembling and painting. I think finally seeing something come together physically is so delightful. Seeing ideas come to fruition helps build momentum and energy. We’re all excited keep the building process going into next week.

