How do you celebrate New Year’s Eve in your country/family? 🎄

1 min readDec 1, 2022

Share your story about traditions in your country or family with us and get the opportunity to win the main prize: 2000 WEI. You’ll also have a chance to get an incentive prize of 250 WEI. ❄️

How to participate?

1️⃣ Follow WEIcrypto on Twitter and Telegram

2️⃣ Repost the pinned post from our Twitter or Telegram account

3️⃣ Post your story on the topic of “New Year’s Eve traditions in my country/family” on your Twitter or in our Telegram chat with the #WEInystories hashtag. OR you can share your story via Google Forms.

And don’t forget to tag us! The story must be written in English, so don’t hesitate to use Google Translator if it helps.

We will choose and post the most exciting stories on the official WEIcrypto accounts. 25 stories that get the most reactions will go to the final stage.

📆 Dates:

- Stories’ submission: from December 01 to December 25 included.

- On December 28, at 12:00 GMT, we will choose 5 winners who will receive 2,000 WEI each. They will be selected in a live broadcast using The remaining 20 finalists will receive 250 WEI each.

👉🏻 Share a story about traditions of New Year’ Eve celebration in your family or country so that everyone can see what amazing people live in our world!




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