Coffee Time Papers: MiniMalloc

A Lightweight Memory Allocator for Hardware-Accelerated Machine Learning

Dagang Wei
6 min readJul 8, 2024

This blog post is part of the series Coffee Time Papers.



In the world of hardware-accelerated machine learning, optimizing memory allocation is a critical challenge. A new approach, MiniMalloc, is revolutionizing this process.

The Problem: Static Memory Allocation

Machine learning models, especially those running on specialized hardware like Google’s Tensor Processing Unit (TPU), need efficient memory allocation. Unlike general-purpose computers that allocate memory dynamically as a program runs, these models use static memory allocation, where memory is assigned to buffers before execution. This allows for strategic placement of data but presents a complex puzzle due to the large number of possible arrangements.

Static memory allocation is a method of assigning fixed memory locations to data buffers before program execution. This is in contrast to dynamic memory allocation, where memory is allocated on the fly as the program runs.

In the context of machine learning models running on specialized hardware accelerators like TPUs, static memory allocation is preferred. This is because the temporal assignments (lifespans) of buffers in a TPU are known in advance. The compiler can determine the start and end times of each buffer, allowing it to pre-allocate memory efficiently.


Imagine a simplified machine learning model with three buffers (B1, B2, and B3) and a total memory capacity of 10 units. Each buffer has a size and a lifespan:

  • B1: Size = 3, Lifespan = Time 0 to Time 5
  • B2: Size = 4, Lifespan = Time 2 to Time 8
  • B3: Size = 2, Lifespan = Time 6 to Time 10

A possible static memory allocation solution could look like this:

  • B1: Offset = 0 (Occupies memory units 0, 1, 2)
  • B2: Offset = 3 (Occupies memory units 3, 4, 5, 6)
  • B3: Offset = 7 (Occupies memory units 7, 8)

This allocation is valid because no buffers overlap in both space (their memory ranges don’t intersect) and time (their lifespans don’t overlap). The challenge lies in finding the optimal allocation that minimizes wasted memory or adheres to other optimization criteria.

The problem’s complexity arises from the combinatorial explosion of possible allocations as the number of buffers increases. MiniMalloc addresses this by focusing on a specific class of solutions called “canonical solutions” and employing efficient search and inference techniques.

How MiniMalloc Works

MiniMalloc introduces a novel approach to this problem. It focuses on a specific type of solution called “canonical solutions.” These solutions have desirable properties that simplify the search for the optimal memory arrangement. By limiting exploration to these canonical solutions, MiniMalloc drastically reduces the search space, making the process much faster.

MiniMalloc uses a recursive depth-first search algorithm, but it cleverly limits its exploration to canonical solutions. It also employs a spatial inference technique that helps it quickly discard unpromising arrangements. Additionally, it has a mechanism to eliminate redundant solutions, further streamlining the process.

Canonical Solutions

A canonical solution is a specific arrangement of buffers in memory that follows two key properties:

  1. Offset Monotonicity: Buffers are sorted in non-decreasing order by their memory offset. This means that buffers with lower memory addresses are placed before those with higher addresses.
  2. Index Monotonicity: If two buffers have the same offset, they are sorted by their index (a unique identifier).

By limiting the search space to only canonical solutions, MiniMalloc significantly reduces the number of possibilities it needs to explore, making the allocation process much faster.

Search and Inference

MiniMalloc uses a recursive depth-first search algorithm to explore the space of canonical solutions. However, it doesn’t blindly explore all possibilities. It employs several techniques to prune the search space and avoid unnecessary computations:

  1. Cross-Section Inference: It analyzes the temporal overlap of buffers (when their lifespans intersect) and ensures that the combined memory usage within these overlapping periods doesn’t exceed the total memory capacity.
  2. Dominance Detection: It identifies and discards solutions that are provably worse than others, preventing the exploration of redundant or suboptimal allocations.


Let’s consider a simplified example with four buffers (B1, B2, B3, B4) and a memory capacity of 10 units:

| Buffer | Size | Lifespan (Start-End) |
| B1 | 2 | 0-3 |
| B2 | 3 | 1-5 |
| B3 | 4 | 4-8 |
| B4 | 2 | 2-6 |

MiniMalloc would start by placing B1 at offset 0. Then, it would consider placing B2. Since B2 overlaps with B1, it must be placed at offset 2 to avoid conflict. Next, it would try to place B3, but placing it at offset 5 would exceed the memory capacity when combined with B2. Therefore, MiniMalloc would backtrack and try placing B4 at offset 2, which is a valid placement. Finally, it would place B3 at offset 6, resulting in a valid canonical solution.

Key Points

  • MiniMalloc’s focus on canonical solutions and its inference techniques significantly improve the efficiency of static memory allocation.
  • It’s a valuable tool for optimizing the performance of machine learning models on specialized hardware accelerators.
  • Its open-source nature and compact implementation make it accessible and adaptable for various applications.

Key Advantages of MiniMalloc

  1. Speed: MiniMalloc is significantly faster than previous methods, solving problems in seconds that used to take hours.
  2. Compactness: The implementation is remarkably small, making it ideal for on-device compilers in consumer electronics like mobile phones.
  3. Independence: MiniMalloc doesn’t rely on external constraint solvers, which can be costly and increase software size.
  4. Open Source: It’s freely available for use in both academic and commercial settings.

Impressive Results

MiniMalloc has been tested on various benchmarks, including real-world models and synthetically generated challenging cases. It consistently outperforms existing methods, often by orders of magnitude. In many cases, it can find solutions without any backtracking, highlighting its efficiency.


Q: What is the main problem MiniMalloc addresses?

A: MiniMalloc addresses the challenge of static memory allocation in hardware-accelerated machine learning. This involves efficiently assigning memory to buffers before the execution of machine learning models, particularly on specialized hardware like Google’s Tensor Processing Unit (TPU).

Q: How does MiniMalloc differ from traditional memory allocation methods?

A: Traditional methods often use dynamic memory allocation, where memory is assigned during program execution. MiniMalloc focuses on static allocation, optimizing memory placement before the model runs. It also introduces the concept of “canonical solutions,” a specific type of solution that simplifies the search for the optimal memory arrangement.

Q: What are the key benefits of using MiniMalloc?

A: MiniMalloc offers several advantages:

  • Speed: It’s significantly faster than previous methods, solving complex allocation problems in seconds.
  • Size: Its compact implementation makes it suitable for on-device compilers in devices with limited storage.
  • Independence: It doesn’t rely on external constraint solvers, reducing costs and software bloat.
  • Open Source: It’s freely available for both academic and commercial use.

Q: How does MiniMalloc achieve its efficiency?

A: MiniMalloc employs a recursive depth-first search algorithm but limits its exploration to canonical solutions. It uses spatial inference to quickly discard unsuitable arrangements and eliminates redundant solutions, further enhancing efficiency.

Q: What are the potential applications of MiniMalloc beyond machine learning?

A: MiniMalloc’s principles could be applied to other areas where efficient memory allocation is crucial, such as GPU compilation and logic simulation. It could also be extended to solve related combinatorial optimization problems.

Q: What are the limitations of MiniMalloc?

A: While MiniMalloc excels in many scenarios, it might not be the best solution for all problems. Its performance could be affected by the specific characteristics of the input data and the hardware architecture. Further research and development are needed to explore its full potential and address any limitations.


MiniMalloc represents a significant advancement in static memory allocation for hardware-accelerated machine learning. Its innovative approach, combined with impressive performance, makes it a valuable tool for optimizing the performance of machine learning models on specialized hardware.

