Demystifying Transformers: Multi-Head Attention

The Attention Ensemble

Dagang Wei
4 min readFeb 27, 2024

This article is part of the series Demystifying Transformers.


Transformers have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP), achieving impressive results in machine translation, text summarization, and many other tasks. A key component driving their success is a mechanism called multi-head attention. Let’s unravel this concept and see how it empowers Transformers to grasp the complexities of language.

The Essence of Attention

Imagine trying to translate a French sentence into English. It’s overwhelming to process the whole sentence at once! That’s where attention comes in. An attention mechanism lets a model zero in on the most relevant parts of the French sentence as it generates each word in the English translation.

How Does a Single Attention Head Work?

  1. Splitting Up Information: It breaks down input words into triplets: Query (what to look for), Key (what might contain the answer), and Value (the content itself).
  2. Calculating Relevance: Attention scores are computed, showing which part of the input is the most relevant to focus on.
  3. Weighted Combination: Each Value receives a weight based on its relevance, creating a focused representation.

Multi-Head Attention

Like having a team of specialists instead of a single worker, multi-head attention utilizes multiple attention heads in parallel. Each head learns to focus on different aspects of the input:

  • Diverse Perspectives: One head might excel at capturing long-range dependencies in a sentence, while another specializes in understanding word order, and another tackles nuanced meanings.
  • Enhanced Understanding: By merging the knowledge from different heads, the Transformer develops a multi-dimensional, rich representation of the input text. This is crucial for tackling the complexities of natural language.


Think of multi-head attention like a team of experts analyzing a text. Each expert has their own focus: one might look at grammar, another at overall meaning, and another at how concepts relate to one another. By combining their insights, the team gains a more comprehensive understanding of the text than any single expert could achieve alone.


Example 1: Machine Translation

  • Task: Translating a sentence from English to German.
  • Multi-head Attention in Action:
  • Head 1: Focuses on long-range dependencies in the English sentence, identifying how the subject and verb relate across several words.
  • Head 2: Specializes in identifying word order and grammatical structures relevant to generating the correct German word order.
  • Head 3: Picks up on subtle nuances and contextual meanings, ensuring the translated word choices are accurate and expressive.

Example 2: Sentiment Analysis

  • Task: Determine if a movie review is positive or negative.
  • Multi-head Attention in Action:
  • Head 1: Pays close attention to specific words that are strong indicators of sentiment (e.g., “amazing,” “terrible”).
  • Head 2: Looks for patterns in phrases and how they modify each other (e.g., “not bad” vs. “really bad”).
  • Head 3: Focuses on understanding the overall context of the review, taking into account potential sarcasm or negation.

Example 3: Question Answering

  • Task: Given a question and a passage of text, the model must find the answer within the text.
  • Multi-Head Attention in Action
  • Head 1: Focuses on matching words between the question and the passage, finding exact or similar terms.
  • Head 2: Looks for the relationship between the question and different sentences within the passage, understanding how the question’s intent relates to the passage’s structure.
  • Head 3: Processes the information from the other heads and considers potential answer spans, focusing on identifying the beginning and end of the answer.

Important Note: The exact roles of individual heads within a Transformer are not predetermined. During training, different attention heads learn to specialize in ways that benefit the overall task, and this specialization can be somewhat unpredictable.

How are Multi-heads Trained to Focus on Different Aspects?

1. The Power of Random Initialization:

  • Starting Point: At the beginning of training, the weights that determine the Query, Key, and Value (Q, K, V) matrices for each attention head are initialized randomly. These matrices control how a head transforms input words into representations that determine the focus areas.
  • Diverse Potential: This randomness means each head initially “sees” the input sequence with a slightly different lens, which sets the stage for specialization.

2. Backpropagation and Gradient Updates:

  • Learning from Errors: The Transformer’s overall goal is to minimize a loss function (e.g., how wrong the translation is or how inaccurately it answers a question). During the backpropagation process, errors are traced back through the entire model.
  • Adjustment of Weights: Gradients (signals showing how to adjust weights to improve performance) are calculated for all components, including the Q, K, V matrices within each attention head.
  • Shifting Focus: These gradients update the weights so that attention heads become better at paying attention to specific aspects of the input that help reduce the loss in the overall task.

3. The Emergence of Specialization

  • Iterative Refinement: Over many training examples and updates, heads subtly but continuously adjust their weights. Some start focusing more on long-range relationships between words, others on word order, and others on semantic meanings.
  • Driven by the Objective: Heads specialize because specializing makes the Transformer better at its task. There’s no explicit instruction telling a head what to focus on; it emerges organically from a desire to improve the final output.

Key Points:

  • It’s not deterministic: We can’t definitively say “Head #1 will always focus on syntax.” The specialization is influenced by the nature of the task, the dataset, and certain random factors.
  • Analysis Tools: Researchers use various techniques to analyze what different attention heads have learned to focus on, giving us insight into this process.


Multi-head attention is a key ingredient in the Transformer architecture’s remarkable success. By letting different attention heads specialize in distinct aspects of language analysis, Transformers gain a much richer and more nuanced understanding of textual input. This ability unlocks superior performance in a wide range of language-related tasks.

