Coffee Time Papers: Mixture of Depths

Dynamically allocating compute in transformer-based language models

Dagang Wei
3 min readJul 2, 2024

This blog post is part of the series Coffee Time Papers.



This paper introduces Mixture-of-Depths (MoD), a method to dynamically allocate computational resources in transformer-based language models. Unlike traditional transformers that uniformly distribute computational power (FLOPs) across all input tokens, MoD transformers learn to allocate FLOPs to specific tokens based on their importance.

Key points:

  • Motivation: Not all tokens in a sequence require the same level of processing. MoD aims to optimize computational efficiency by focusing resources on the most relevant tokens.
  • Mechanism: MoD uses a top-k routing mechanism to select tokens that will undergo computation (self-attention and MLP) at each layer. The remaining tokens are passed through a residual connection, saving computation.


  • Efficiency: MoD transformers can match or exceed the performance of standard transformers while using fewer FLOPs per forward pass.
  • Speed: MoD models can be up to 50% faster during post-training sampling.
  • Flexibility: MoD can be integrated with other techniques like Mixture of Experts (MoE) to further enhance performance and efficiency.
  • Training: MoD transformers are trained using a static computation graph, making them compatible with existing hardware constraints.
  • Sampling: The paper addresses the challenge of non-causal top-k routing during autoregressive sampling by introducing auxiliary losses or predictors.

Overall, MoD presents a promising approach to improve the efficiency and speed of transformer-based language models, particularly in scenarios where computational resources are limited.


Q: What is the core idea behind Mixture-of-Depths (MoD) transformers?

A: MoD transformers aim to optimize the allocation of computational resources (FLOPs) within transformer-based language models. Instead of uniformly distributing FLOPs across all input tokens, MoD dynamically allocates more FLOPs to tokens deemed more important for accurate prediction, while other tokens are processed with less computation.

Q: How does MoD achieve dynamic compute allocation?

A: MoD employs a top-k routing mechanism at each layer of the transformer. This mechanism selects the top-k tokens based on their importance, as determined by a learned router. These selected tokens undergo the full computational process of self-attention and MLP, while the remaining tokens bypass these computations, taking a residual connection to save compute.

Q: What are the advantages of using MoD transformers?


  1. Efficiency: MoD transformers can match or even surpass the performance of standard transformers while using significantly fewer FLOPs per forward pass.
  2. Speed: Due to reduced computation, MoD models can be up to 50% faster during post-training sampling.
  3. Flexibility: MoD can be seamlessly integrated with other techniques like Mixture of Experts (MoE) to further enhance both performance and computational efficiency.

Q: How does MoD address the issue of non-causal top-k routing during sampling?

A: The top-k routing mechanism, while efficient, poses a challenge during autoregressive sampling because it requires knowledge of future tokens. MoD tackles this by introducing either auxiliary losses or predictors during training. These additions enable the model to learn the top-k routing decisions in a way that allows for causal sampling without sacrificing performance.

Q: Can MoD be combined with other transformer optimization techniques?

A: Yes, MoD can be naturally integrated with Mixture of Experts (MoE) models. This combination, called Mixture-of-Depths-and-Experts (MoDE), can lead to even greater performance improvements and computational savings compared to using either MoD or MoE alone.

Q: What are the potential future directions for MoD research?

A: MoD opens up several avenues for future exploration:

  1. Decoupled Routing: Investigating separate routing mechanisms for queries, keys, and values in self-attention could lead to further optimizations.
  2. Long-Term Memory: MoD could be leveraged to create more efficient long-term memory mechanisms in transformers.
  3. Diverse Computation Types: The routing machinery in MoD could be extended to dynamically choose between a wider variety of computational operations beyond self-attention and MLP.


