Simulating Move Semantics in C++

Dagang Wei
4 min readJun 23, 2024


This blog post is part of the series Modern C++.


Move semantics are a powerful tool in C++ that allow for the efficient transfer of resources between objects, avoiding unnecessary copying. While C++11 provides built-in move semantics, understanding the underlying concepts through a custom move method can be highly insightful.

The Essence of Move Semantics

At its core, a move operation transfers ownership of an object’s resources to another object, leaving the original in a valid but potentially unspecified state. This transfer is typically much faster than copying because it simply involves reassigning pointers or handles rather than duplicating the data.

Custom MyData Class with the `move` Method

class MyData {
MyData(int size) : size_(size), data_(new int[size]) {}

~MyData() { delete[] data_; }

int getSize() const { return size_; } // Added getter for size
int& operator[](int index) { return data_[index]; } // Added operator[] for access

// Copy constructor and copy assignment (unchanged from previous examples)
MyData(const MyData& other) : size_(other.size_), data_(new int[size_]) {
std::copy(other.data_, other.data_ + size_, data_);
MyData& operator=(const MyData& other) { /* ... implementation ... */ }

// Moves the resource ownership from the other to this object
void move(MyData& other) {
if (this != &other) {
delete[] data_; // Release existing resources
size_ = other.size_; // Take ownership
data_ = other.data_;
other.size_ = 0; // Invalidate the source object
other.data_ = nullptr;
int size_;
int* data_;

How the move Method Works

  • Safety Check: Prevents self-move attempts.
  • Release Existing Resources: This is crucial to avoid memory leaks. Any resources held by the current object are freed before taking on new ones.
  • Ownership Transfer: The size_ and data_ members are directly transferred from the other object (source) to the current (*this) object.
  • Invalidation: The source object’s members are set to safe, unusable values.

Using the move Method

MyData data1(5); // Create data1 with 5 elements
std::cout << "data1 size before move: " << data1.getSize() << std::endl;

for (int i = 0; i < data1.getSize(); ++i) {
data1[i] = i * 10; // Fill data1 with some values
std::cout << data1[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;

MyData data2(3); // Create data2 with 3 elements
std::cout << "data2 size before move: " << data2.getSize() << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < data2.getSize(); ++i) {
data2[i] = i * 20; // Fill data2 with different values
std::cout << data2[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;

data1.move(data2); // Move data2 into data1

std::cout << "data1 size after move: " << data1.getSize() << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < data1.getSize(); ++i) {
std::cout << data1[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;

std::cout << "data2 size after move: " << data2.getSize() << std::endl;


data1 size before move: 5
0 10 20 30 40
data2 size before move: 3
0 20 40
data1 size after move: 3
0 20 40
data2 size after move: 0

Comparing Custom move vs. C++11 Move Semantics


  • Custom move: Requires an explicit method call (e.g., data1.move(data2)).
  • C++11 Move Semantics: Implicitly invoked by std::move or in specific contexts (e.g., returning a local variable by value).

Resource Transfer:

  • Custom move: Directly manipulates the members of the objects involved.
  • C++11 Move Semantics: Uses move constructors and move assignment operators to handle the transfer, potentially offering better encapsulation.

Exception Safety:

  • Custom move: Not inherently exception-safe; you need to explicitly handle exceptions if necessary.
  • C++11 Move Semantics: Typically designed with exception safety in mind, providing stronger guarantees in case of errors.

Optimization Potential:

  • Custom move: Limited optimization potential; mostly relies on your manual implementation.
  • C++11 Move Semantics: Highly optimized by the compiler, potentially leading to significant performance gains, especially for complex types.

Integration with Language:

  • Custom move: Requires manual implementation and might not seamlessly integrate with other language features.
  • C++11 Move Semantics: Deeply integrated into the C++ language, allowing for a more idiomatic and maintainable coding style.


  • Custom move: Can be less clear, especially for complex classes where resource management becomes intricate.
  • C++11 Move Semantics: More idiomatic C++ code, typically easier to understand and reason about.


While our custom move method provides valuable insights into the mechanics of transferring resources efficiently, it serves primarily as an educational tool. In real-world C++ development, you should absolutely leverage the power and safety of C++11's built-in move semantics through move constructors and move assignment operators. These language features are designed to be more robust, exception-safe, and optimized by the compiler, leading to more efficient and maintainable code.

Understanding the core concepts behind move semantics, however, is essential for writing high-performance C++ applications. By grasping how ownership transfer and resource management work, you can make informed decisions about when and how to utilize move operations to achieve optimal efficiency in your code.

