Essential Python for Machine Learning: SymPy

The Symbolic Mathematician

Dagang Wei
4 min readJan 20, 2024

This is the sixth chapter of my ebook.


In the realm of computational mathematics, Python has emerged as a forerunner, thanks to its simplicity and vast range of libraries. Among these, SymPy stands out as a versatile tool for anyone interested in symbolic mathematics. This blog post aims to dive into what SymPy is, explore its significance, elucidate how it functions, and highlight its key features with some engaging code examples.

What is SymPy?

SymPy is an open-source Python library used for symbolic computation. It provides a robust platform for performing algebraic manipulations and solving mathematical equations symbolically, rather than numerically. This means that, unlike numerical computations which provide approximate results, SymPy works with mathematical symbols and can deliver exact solutions.

Why SymPy?

So, why choose SymPy when there are numerous other mathematical libraries available? The answer lies in its unique approach to problem-solving. SymPy is specifically designed for symbolic computation, making it an ideal choice for tasks that require exact solutions, such as simplifying algebraic expressions, solving equations analytically, and performing calculus operations. It is also highly beneficial for educational purposes, providing a way to check and understand mathematical problems step by step.

How SymPy Works

SymPy operates by defining symbols and expressions explicitly. In most numerical computation libraries, variables are placeholders for data values. However, in SymPy, variables are symbols that can be manipulated algebraically. This approach allows SymPy to carry out a range of symbolic calculations, including differentiation, integration, limit calculation, and matrix operations, among others.

Key Features

Here are the key features of SymPy. All the example code can be found in this colab notebook.

a. Basic Algebraic Operations

SymPy can handle a variety of algebraic tasks. For example, to simplify an expression, you first define the symbols and then use the `simplify` function:

from sympy import symbols, simplify

x, y = symbols('x y')
expression = (x + x*y) / x
simplified_expr = simplify(expression)


y + 1

b. Solving Equations

SymPy excels in solving equations symbolically. Here’s how you can solve a quadratic equation:

from sympy import symbols, Eq, solve
from sympy import *

x = symbols('x')
equation = Eq(x**2 - 5*x + 6, 0)
solutions = solve(equation, x)


[2, 3]

c. Calculus Operations

SymPy is also adept at performing calculus operations such as differentiation and integration. Here’s an example of differentiation:

from sympy import symbols, diff

x = symbols('x')
function = x**2 + 2*x + 1
derivative = diff(function, x)


2*x + 2

d. Matrix Computations

SymPy can perform various matrix operations. For instance, here’s how you can multiply two matrices:

from sympy import Matrix

A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
B = Matrix([[2, 0], [1, 2]])
result = A * B


Matrix([[4, 4], [10, 8]])

Certainly! Let’s add a section that provides guidance on when to use SymPy and when other tools might be more appropriate.

When to Use SymPy and When Not to

While SymPy is a powerful tool for symbolic mathematics, it’s important to understand the scenarios where it shines and where alternative solutions might be more suitable.

When to Use SymPy

1. Symbolic Problem Solving: Ideal for problems that require exact answers, such as algebraic manipulations, solving equations, and calculus operations. It’s particularly useful in educational settings for teaching and understanding mathematical concepts.

2. Theoretical Work: Excellent for theoretical physics, engineering, and mathematics, where the formulation and simplification of mathematical expressions are required.

3. Automating Mathematical Manipulations: SymPy can automate tedious algebraic expansions, factorizations, and simplifications, saving time and reducing human error.

When Not to Use SymPy

1. Numerical Computation: For problems requiring numerical solutions, especially where performance is a concern, libraries like NumPy or SciPy are more efficient. SymPy’s symbolic approach can be slower for large-scale numerical computations.

2. Statistical Analysis : In the realms of data analysis, statistical modeling, tools like Pandas and scikit-learn offer more specialized functionalities.

3. Real-time Applications: SymPy is not optimized for real-time applications. Its symbolic computation can be resource-intensive, making it less suitable for scenarios where quick responses are critical.


SymPy offers a wide array of functionalities for symbolic computation, making it a valuable tool for mathematicians, engineers, scientists, and students. Its ability to provide exact solutions and perform complex algebraic manipulations symbolically sets it apart from other numerical computation libraries. As an open-source tool, it continues to evolve, adding more features and capabilities, and thus broadening the horizons for computational mathematics in Python. Whether you are solving complex algebraic equations, performing calculus operations, or dealing with matrices, SymPy stands as a powerful ally in the world of symbolic mathematics.

