Essential Math for Machine Learning: Low-Rank Approximation with SVD
This article is part of the series Essential Math for Machine Learning.
In the realm of linear algebra, the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) stands as a fundamental tool that unveils the underlying structure within matrices. It decomposes a matrix into three distinct components, each offering unique insights:
- U: An orthogonal matrix representing the left singular vectors, capturing patterns in the rows of the original matrix.
- Σ: A diagonal matrix containing the singular values, arranged in descending order. These values quantify the importance of each corresponding singular vector.
- V*: The transpose of an orthogonal matrix representing the right singular vectors, capturing patterns in the columns.
Mathematically, SVD expresses a matrix M as:
M = UΣV*
Low-Rank Approximation
Low-rank approximation is a technique that harnesses SVD to create a simplified version of a matrix while preserving its essential information. It’s achieved by retaining only the most significant singular values and their corresponding vectors.
Here’s why it’s so valuable:
- Noise Reduction: Filtering out less important information can diminish noise and highlight core patterns.
- Dimensionality Reduction: Compressing data into a lower-dimensional representation reduces computational costs and storage requirements.
- Feature Extraction: Identifying the most prominent features within a dataset can enhance analysis and modeling.
NumPy Example
NumPy, Python’s numerical powerhouse, provides seamless SVD implementation. The code is available in this Colab notebook.
import numpy as np
def create_matrix(m, n):
'''Creates a random matrix of shape mxn for testing.'''
M = np.random.rand(m, n) # Generate random matrix of size m x n
print('The original matrix M:\n', M)
print('M shape:', M.shape) # Print the shape for reference
return M
def decompose_matrix(M):
'''Decomposes the matrix M using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD).'''
U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(M) # Perform SVD
print('U shape:', U.shape)
print('S shape:', S.shape)
print('V shape:', V.shape)
# Adjust matrix shapes to ensure U (m x n), S (n x n), V (n x n):
U = U[:, :S.shape[0]] # Limit U to the number of singular values
S = np.diag(S) # Convert S (a vector) into a diagonal matrix
print('Adjusted U shape:', U.shape)
print('Adjusted S shape:', S.shape)
print('Adjusted V shape:', V.shape)
return U, S, V
def reconstruct_matrix(U, S, V, r):
'''Reconstructs the matrix using the SVD components with rank r.'''
print('\nReconstructing matrix with rank=', r)
R = U[:, :r] @ S[:r, :r] @ V[:r, :] # Use rank-reduced components for approximation
print('R shape:', R.shape) # Output shape of the approximated matrix
return R
def compare_matrices(M, R):
'''Calculates the difference and relative difference between the original and
reconstructed matrix.'''
D = M - R # Element-wise difference
M_norm = np.linalg.norm(M, 'fro') # Frobenius norm of original matrix
D_norm = np.linalg.norm(D, 'fro') # Frobenius norm of difference matrix
print('Diff:\n', np.array_str(D, precision=2, suppress_small=True)) # Print differences
return D_norm / M_norm # Calculate the relative difference ratio
# Test the functions with sample values:
m = 10
n = 5
M = create_matrix(m, n) # Create the matrix
U, S, V = decompose_matrix(M) # Decompose with SVD
R1 = reconstruct_matrix(U, S, V, n) # Full reconstruction (using all singular values)
diff_ratio1 = compare_matrices(M, R1)
print(f'Diff ratio 1: {diff_ratio1:.2f}')
R2 = reconstruct_matrix(U, S, V, n - 1) # Reduced-rank reconstruction
diff_ratio2 = compare_matrices(M, R2)
print(f'Diff ratio 2: {diff_ratio2:.2f}')
Explanation of Key Points:
- Rank of a matrix: The number of linearly independent rows or columns. Reducing the rank during reconstruction leads to creating a low-rank approximation of the original matrix.
- Frobenius norm: A way to calculate the “magnitude” of a matrix, treating the matrix as a long vector. It is used here to measure how different the reconstructed matrix is from the original one.
The original matrix M:
[[0.31135826 0.42274964 0.37369816 0.27318393 0.3395049 ]
[0.09573013 0.41568315 0.98607672 0.18737016 0.12099308]
[0.82725089 0.78642023 0.50616054 0.02557229 0.69397554]
[0.92327493 0.9312128 0.09507911 0.10979784 0.54611549]
[0.73422037 0.66289384 0.13675995 0.41820362 0.45485017]
[0.95800196 0.72963655 0.61210155 0.24766389 0.75359343]
[0.74954623 0.24386793 0.77440318 0.96037917 0.21616432]
[0.10595959 0.02953947 0.84582789 0.42635078 0.28987665]
[0.63583439 0.56250889 0.73797078 0.38151526 0.97479939]
[0.97645554 0.05086654 0.90573323 0.05414428 0.1257033 ]]
M shape: {(10, 5)}
U shape: (10, 10)
S shape: (5,)
V shape: (5, 5)
Adjusted U shape: (10, 5)
Adjusted S shape: (5, 5)
Adjusted V shape: (5, 5)
Reconstructing matrix with rank= 5
[[0.31135826 0.42274964 0.37369816 0.27318393 0.3395049 ]
[0.09573013 0.41568315 0.98607672 0.18737016 0.12099308]
[0.82725089 0.78642023 0.50616054 0.02557229 0.69397554]
[0.92327493 0.9312128 0.09507911 0.10979784 0.54611549]
[0.73422037 0.66289384 0.13675995 0.41820362 0.45485017]
[0.95800196 0.72963655 0.61210155 0.24766389 0.75359343]
[0.74954623 0.24386793 0.77440318 0.96037917 0.21616432]
[0.10595959 0.02953947 0.84582789 0.42635078 0.28987665]
[0.63583439 0.56250889 0.73797078 0.38151526 0.97479939]
[0.97645554 0.05086654 0.90573323 0.05414428 0.1257033 ]]
R shape: (10, 5)
[[-0. -0. -0. -0. -0.]
[ 0. 0. -0. -0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. -0. 0. 0. -0.]
[-0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. -0. 0. -0.]
[-0. 0. -0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
[-0. 0. -0. 0. 0.]]
Diff ratio 1: 0.00
Reconstructing matrix with rank= 4
[[0.32011499 0.37668989 0.3653731 0.27113115 0.38645801]
[0.13724317 0.19732788 0.94661011 0.17763856 0.34358351]
[0.8285426 0.77962592 0.50493251 0.02526949 0.70090163]
[0.94319277 0.82644657 0.07614314 0.10512865 0.65291374]
[0.74350028 0.61408225 0.12793751 0.41602819 0.50460849]
[0.9490786 0.77657269 0.62058502 0.24975573 0.70574693]
[0.75529316 0.21363955 0.76893956 0.95903196 0.246979 ]
[0.09566755 0.08367476 0.85561257 0.42876347 0.23469138]
[0.59964019 0.75288749 0.77238075 0.39 0.78072826]
[0.96773383 0.09674206 0.91402499 0.05618885 0.07893799]]
R shape: (10, 5)
[[-0.01 0.05 0.01 0. -0.05]
[-0.04 0.22 0.04 0.01 -0.22]
[-0. 0.01 0. 0. -0.01]
[-0.02 0.1 0.02 0. -0.11]
[-0.01 0.05 0.01 0. -0.05]
[ 0.01 -0.05 -0.01 -0. 0.05]
[-0.01 0.03 0.01 0. -0.03]
[ 0.01 -0.05 -0.01 -0. 0.06]
[ 0.04 -0.19 -0.03 -0.01 0.19]
[ 0.01 -0.05 -0.01 -0. 0.05]]
Diff ratio 2: 0.12
SVD and low-rank approximations offer a potent toolkit for extracting meaningful information from matrices, empowering data exploration and analysis across diverse fields. Unlock their potential with NumPy and dive into a world of insights!
ML Algorithm: Singular Value Decomposition